New here

New here


New Registrant
I didn't think a place like this could be here.

I am in therapy and wanted to find other guys who went though this crap.

I don't like to talk much, but I am both scared and happy I found you.

I read a lot of the stories.


Welcome. I wish you didn't have to be here, but I am glad you found us. We are brothers together here.

Please feel free to share or not. Nothing is expected.

By the way, my last name is Courtney! :)

You're home, guy!


Just take your time, read a bit, write a bit - whatever takes your fancy.

There's no pressure here at MS, we welcome everyone, support them and help them wherever we can.

If you need some help finding your way around, just ask.

Take care.

Like the two friends above, you are welcome here and you are among friends! Sometimes this is a great place to vent, sometimes find support, but most of for me, to find out I was and am not alone or crazy with my thoughts!

Welcome Brother!


Welcome to the family. Do not feel pressured to say anything. It may take time to feel comfortable enough to tell your story. We are all here to help you when you need it. Lord knows I have had to ask for help, and it was very hard at first. But, never hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
Again, welcome, and I hope to talk with you soon!


We're here for you when you whenever want.

Take care,

Welcome to one of the most powerful site you will ever vist. This site has truly changed me forever. I have lived on this site for over a year now. I have now been to a retreat and I have meet many men from this site. The things that truly ring in my mind from this site is change and love. The men here are some of the most caring and loving you will ever find. Courtney you are on the start of a new life for you and you alone. You can change and grow in ways you never dreamed of from this site. Stay and read all that you need to before you feel ready to post. One of the first things that our abusiers take away from us is our voice, in time you will find yours again.

lots of love, Nathan

I'm happy that you found this site and sorry that you needed to. MS/NOMSV has really helped me to grow beyond the abuse. I have met many of the guys here at retreats and to a man they are the most caring individuals that I have ever seen. Read everything that you want to and respond or post when you feel like it.

Take good care of yourself,


I'm glad you're here. I am truly sorry you need this place, but it can help immeasurably in your healing. It's saved my life on a number of occasions.

Read what you can, write when you can, and just stick around. The guys here are some of the greatest people in the world.

Peace and love, my friend. You've come to a good place.

Courtney - welcome here.

I didn't believe a place like this existed either & I stumbled on it right when I needed it most - that was 5 months ago! What a difference it's made.

I know that you will receive a lot of support here.

Best wishes ...Rik
Courtney: Did you read all of the above. How did it hit you. Everyone of these wonderful guys absolutely meant every friggin word they posted. You will never be alone again. Just remember that ok. We walk with you in this. Your steps are our steps.

Be gentle with yourself ok BROTHER
Courtney, it is good to have you here because it means you have found a safe place for whatever you need to say or ask or whatever.

I hope the men here are as helpful to you as they have been to me. There are a lot of good things to read under the survivors and prevention drop downs.

Peace ffriend.


Welcome! I hope that you will get as much good from being here as I have received. No one should ever have "qualified" you to be here, but they did. So I'm glad you were able to find us.

Hope to hear more from you whenever you're ready.


Welcome Courtney,
It good to hear that you are already in Therapy, that;s one big step. It took me 4 months of reading here before I found a T. Lots of great reading in the old posts. This is one great place to get help in your healing . Tom