New Chat doesn't work with Netscape 4.7

New Chat doesn't work with Netscape 4.7


I'm not sure why but everytime I go into the New chat in Netscape 4.7 it isn't long until I fond myself having to go back and try to reenter chat. I don't have much better luck with netscape 7.0.

I guess I am wondering why chat was changed. It wasn't broken, so why did you feel the need to fix it. Now it is broken.

I don't have any technical problems with the new chat (but I'm using IE).

Only thing is, no one is ever in it anymore. And I don't blame em too much. The old Chatspace version was much better. This one is lame.

Why the change?

I cant get into the Chat Room. I tried the Link brian-Z provided also, no luck. Last week i had no problems, but this week, forget it. I even tried getting a new name/password, still NO luck.
What's going on?