Need help today...

Need help today...


I could use someone to talk too today, if anyone is around and has the time.

I second that!
Sorry Jaysen I had to work today, otherwise I would have talked to you.

It's not pointless, because when you start to slope downhill on this road to recovery, you're going to be a great asset in someone else's life. That is not to imply that you're not already, I merely mean to say that once your mind is not so weighed down by all this shit, you can focus more on the good things in your life.

You have learned quite a bit about yourself since you've first come here have you not? Do you not see ANY progress? I thought you were feeling better lately, I'm sorry if I was mistaken.

never think like life is so negative, I would love to have met this message and answered you, but you can PM me anytime.

Never be alone,

Hey Jaysen

I don't think its pointless here. When I'm a little down I can find here much support. But the help I want, is not always on the time I want it, sometimes I have some waitingtime. I would have talked to you rigt away, if I'd know there was a request.

It's okay, thanks for the replies, I know we all have lives outside of this place.

Yes Hauser I've learned a shit load about myself since first coming here and I have been feeling a lot better since rehab. Things just have a way of creeping up on you I guess.

Really it was just about me falling off the wagon on saturday night and dealing with the hangover then flashbacks pretty much all day on Sunday. I remembered some things that I had forgotten about and it really effected me, still is, I'm just not sure what to do with the new information you know?

I'm better today but not quite there.
hang in there Jay