National Month of Awarness for Child Sexual Abuse

National Month of Awarness for Child Sexual Abuse
Saw a good episode on Larry King, acutally Kathy Lee Gifford was filling in, about April being the National Month of Awareness for Child Sexual Abuse. The had some celebrity names talking about their abuse and showed clips from past celebreties who had disclosed publicly. Some names to add to the celebrity list (we've had this thread in the past), are Marie Osmond, Goldie Hawn, Allison Arngrim (Nellie from Little House on the Prarie), Katherine Oxenberg (actress from Dynaasty) and her husband Kasper Van Dien (actor as well), and Joyce Meyer (TV Evangilist). They also had the founders/presidents of which was founded in 1947 for the prevention of childabuse.

Kathy Lee Gifford will be talking about this being CSA National Awareness month on the VIEW April 13th 11 a.m. 12 p.m. EST.

The organization Childhelp offers bands like the yellow one's for cancer. Click here, or cut and paste into webaddress, to see the bands and pins.
I saw that too! It was pretty good...I just wish I had the nerve to get on national TV to bring the plight of abused boys out in the open. It was a good start because they included a male abused by a female. I do think that people believe that woman abuse boys. I kept thinking no one talks about how abuse impacts boys.

Marie Osmond spoke about how she had trouble maintaining healthy boundries and how this impacts her thinking. It seems like she was very aware of how SA impacted her.

It would be interesting to see if a relationship exist between Domestic Voilence and SA. I went to childhelp store looking for note cards to support the fight against CSA but found none. If anyone no of a organization that sells something like that PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
on my way to the doctor yesterday i saw a sign about abuse awarness,just beyond it there were like a thousand pinwheels like we had as kids all spinning in the wind ,each one of them reminded me of someone here at this site. but will everyone just forget about abuse in a day or two ?
There is a correlation between domestic violence and SA. Children who grow up in chaotic households not necessarily SA will have blurred boundaries or attempt to gain power of a powerless childhood by becoming a perpetrator. This is not to say all children growing up in chaotic enviornments (non SA) become perpetrators, but it increases the liklihood.

Not sure if everyone will forget any time soon. Part of the Larry King show talked about how in the last months their has been an avalanche (no exact figures) of abuses cases being reported across the country. They suspected the recent media focus on abuse has assisted in people breaking their silenece in record numbers.


It would be interesting to see if a relationship exist between Domestic Voilence and SA.
As has already been pointed out, there is a definite link between domestic violence and CSA. I would push that a step further and say that it is well known now that children who grow up in dysfunctional families are more likely to fall victim to abuse. These kids feel starved for attention, affection and fulfillment of their emotional needs, and that makes it very easy for a predator to step in and groom them for abuse by pretending, however falsely, to fill these needs.

A child who comes from a close loving family, as I did, can still be tricked and groomed for abuse. But when he sets out to recover this strong family support can be a huge source of help to him and can help him to trust and believe in himself a lot faster. I too can attest to that.

Cath! This post is for you! :)

Much love,
The abuse case of a young girl here in NYC has had a big impact on the number of abuse cases reported. I think that reports have been up by 40% but have remained at that level despite the fact that several months have passed since she was murdered. The city council has just provided ACS case workers with cell phones. Some talk has included that schools should contact the police promptly when a child is out of school repeatedly.