I can only say that I told you guys this. or some of you including mods that I deal with kids supposdly the age that "nao" portrayed. He didn't match up at all. I made thos opinoins clear. All of you ppl who blew it off as me being paranoid should eat some humble pie. Because I see kids 14-17 every single day at school and not to long ago i WAS that age. I have no problem proving my ID to a mod/admin and actually purposely posted a picture of ME holding my sk8s b/c I heard things of ppl thinking i was a fake. Now that you are all so hurt. I hope next time u MIGHT take someones opinoin slightly more seriously when they have knowledge in which they talk of *first hand experience* Nao was obviously a fake to me. 1. Nao never TOOK advice, he just wanted to bitch and moan
2. He didn't want advice, he wanted pitty which shows the sick mind set of this "author". I remeber SO many times me purposly giving him solid and concrete advice, because some of his "issues" mimicd mine that i had/have and he/she would just want a pitty party, or this annoying rude and moronic *nod* crap nao did ALL the time. Nao never tryed to heal, just brought up tired subject for shock effect. And I am mad that you all/most bought into it. I was sayin alot of the things exposed from the first night i saw nao in the room talking. I dont want anything out of this expect to show people..just cus of someones age, or if u disagree doesn't mean they are not knowledgeable in wat they speak of and might be right.
She is a Fucking whore and i hope she rots and dies...only wish i could [edited] myself.

While outrage is certainly understandable and deserved threats of violence are not. F.
Originally posted by I'm Alone:
She is a Fucking whore and i hope she rots and dies...only wish i could [edited] myself.
This thread is beginning to lose its productiveness and it is getting the focus away from recovery.

Just a thought.
Heather,you asked for forgiveness. You're forgiven,by me anyway. Bitterness simply isn't allowed to take up residency in my soul anymore. I choose to forgive you. When we ask for forgivness however, we should repent, [turn away from] the wrong that we inflict on another. Like the guys said, just be honest. Dan

Guys, we know all too well that Nao's do exist, probably more than any of us realize. Let's keep helping them. Even if it means laying our already wounded hearts on the altar of sacrifice.Our words of healing, her words of healing, who cares? Let the junky stuff fall off of you. You are much too valuable to take on this offense. Dan
One other thing, you deceptive mind-rapist.

The other thing that really hurt, almost as much as the emotional rape, was that you claimed a lot of titles for yourself that are part of who I am. You claim to be a writer, a researcher, a survivor, and of having Japanese heritage. I'M a writer, journalist, researcher, and a follower of the Way of the Warrior, so that you SAY you're any of these things and just SHIT all over the meaning of what these things are is a travesty.

You also nearly killed me last night, did you know that? You triggered flashbacks, delusions, and enough re-victimization stuff to drive me to suicide. If it wasn't for the voice of one dearly-departed FRIEND from here, I'd be dead. And this is no exaggeration.

All of this was just a game to you, wasn't it? Well, thank God Almighty that it didn't have a real consequence that you'd have to live with, beyond harming a lot of your "fellow survivors."

This is the last thing I will write to you, if you have the guts to read it, and then you will be dead to me. Live with that.

Save also my promise to make sure you NEVER do this again. I think you can tell that I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Well, sweetie, you've made me your enemy, and I will persue you to the end of the Earth to keep you from harming anybody else or profiting in any way from what you've done here.

The minute I suspect it's your book that's hit the stands, I will go to every media outlet in the New England area and make sure thedeception and lies you performed are known. I will destroy your reputation and sue you and your publisher so you will never see DIME ONE in profits.

A man who was the United States' enemy, but an honerable one, Admiral Yamamoto, said after the attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

Well, you're my wartime Japan and I'm your United States.

Scot Carr

I'll be damned if I hide from you.
Oh "Heather"/Nao/BrianMiko/freak,

I am not going to change because of you. I will continue to chat & support those who come here.

Your apology doesnt really matter either. Those words are just as empty as the rest of your lies.

I dont actually believe your an author, and though you denied being a predator, you are.

Whatever your true motives are, they are unethical.

You are simply another perp we all have to add to our list of scum bags on this planet.

YOU SAID "most people when dealing with serious things do not want to share with an author".
I think this statement of yours is THE defining piece of evidence that you are a complete fraud.
If you would have learned even one thing during your "research", its that we ARE trying to spread the word & share our experiences.

I am not angry. I am saddened that you have not yet found the help you so despartly need, to overcome your sickness, fed by your demented lies.

I hope one day you will seek out & take hold of help & work to undo the harm you cause with such ease & lack of true remorse.

Sincerely, Blacken
sorry you dont think that anger is a productive part of healing Lupin. It is my defense and first reaction. If I dont get that out i cant move on to my other feeling
I check the website about once or twice a week. I go to emails with the most replys, so I went to Nao's (heather). At first I thought it was strange for someone so young to be replying on the board. Not because of the age, but more for their safety. I also could not picture a teenager being so open and upfront about their abuse. I thought to myself I wonder if this has been on the news because it seemed like a case that had "news" potential. And than after the family and friends posting i thought, "this is complete bull shit." However, there was still a part of me that thought, "what if your wrong." So i said nothing. I kind of feel mad at myself for not expressing that i thought it sounded kind of phoney. But at the same time i didn't want to sound like an asshole. I guess if i feel that way again i will email one of the moderators. As for you Heather I think you need some serious help. You say that as an author you wanted to get more info.

You could have read the posts, and you could have read some books. It was not a very nice thing what you did.
Originally posted by I'm Alone:
sorry you dont think that anger is a productive part of healing Lupin. It is my defense and first reaction. If I dont get that out i cant move on to my other feeling
I never said anger isn't productive, but if you spend too much time giving this woman attention she continues to have power over this board.

Like Blacken, I will not change just because you have chosen so poorly. I can read what I wrote to you as Nao in a new light now.

You don't seem to like Blacken's post. So why not stop lying to your parents? They can do a much better job keeping you safe if you are working with them.
I asked, "Why not stop lying?" Did that tug at your conscience? How about the line about "keeping you safe," did that provoke a reaction?

I think a lot of people will say things behind their login names here before they will say them face to face. I'm pretty sure that no one can make their life better until they trust the good people in their lives to help them. That's face-to-face trust.
I'm even more sure now that no one, especially I, can make life better without trusting the good people in my life. Many of the people I have met here are such good people in my life. Others will be closer to me as we get to know one another better. You were not one of them, unfortunately.

I have spoken, in some detail, of some things that happened to me to other survivors, face to face, male and female. I will speak in public to volunteers who actually do work with real abused children. Others have spoken like that, too. You could have asked counseling centers to broach the subject with some survivors. We are not all in the most fragile times of recovery. Some can and do speak to tell of the pain you claim you want to illuminate. Why could you not post in the Family and Friends as a survivor yourself, asking for help understanding male survivors? Why could you not find the many informational sites that I found when I first looked for help? Why could you not read some of the information published in books for male survivors, some including survivors' stories?

Please don't go back to that perp. His "love" is not healthy. It's not even legal. Any porn pictures he took recently just add to the list of crimes he has committed.
Your "concern" for us is not healthy. You took advantage of the people who would most need any supposed benefit from your novel. Who benefits from the story whose creation picks at our wounds in the name of opening society's eyes?

You deserve better. You can't have anything better until you step up and do your part to get it. Whether you went there or not, he should not touch you. He should not take those pictures.
You do deserve better. You deserve to treat yourself with more respect. Maybe then you can learn how to treat others with the respect and dignity we deserve.

I don't know what to make of your confession. Am I writing to a female survivor who is sorry for a terrible error in judgement? Or am I simply giving a few parting laughs to a perp?

You know what? It doesn't make a damn bit of difference. I am saying what I need to say, and if it makes you so uncomfortable that you must laugh, because I can see the dignity in myself and others but you cannot, that is not my problem. Like I said to "Nao"
You can't have anything better until you step up and do your part to get it.
I'm a struggling author trying to get a book published and was posing
at your site as the character in my novel
I really doubt that you have the ability to be an author. It is more likely that you needed to entertain yourself and this seemed like it would be fun for you. How sad that you do not have anything better to do with your time but to take advantage of people.

I found your apology totally unbelievable.

While I have experienced abuse myself, I didn't know how one would experience it through male eyes.
This is not an excuse for what you did. Also, you are not male. So, it would seem that makes it alright?

As a novice author I broke the first rule of infiltration - I got too emotionally involved.
Don't you mean emotionally manipulative?

I cried with you guys, for you guys.
Oh, please... give me a break. I think you enjoyed the attention you were getting... nothing more.

Many times I felt guilty because I knew all of you were pouring out your heart and soul on the website and I was only doing research.

However, the lessons you've taught me, everything I've learned from being at the site, will be a part of the book in my own words.
And yet you will still benefit by this? If you were truly an SA survivor, I would think you might have a better understanding of what it's like. Since you still plan on trying to benefit from preying on others, I truly doubt you were an SA survivor. I truly don't think you have what it takes to be an author. That's just an excuse.

Again, I just think you were entertaining yourself and got caught.

I ask that no one attempt to contact me. I will not contact any of you again.
Kinda sounds to me that you are afraid of being confronted and exposed for who and what you are. I hope you get what you deserve.

Peace to you and may God bless you,
You are so self centered "Heather".

If research from books cannot adequately give you the information you need, then the book you are writing is without point. You are a selfish immature and mean-spirited woman who needs to examine her need to exploit and manipulate others. Please do not write anything till you deal with your issues, there is already enough garbage in the world without your adding to it.

Wow, what a thing to come back from Easter to find out! I don't know what to think "Heather." I hope you find yourself on the same roller-coaster of emotions that I was when I wrote to you in the chat room. I'm very new to the world of recovery. It's been a little over 1 month. I finally got to a therapist because of the good advice I got from this site. I still find this place to be a great inspiration to me. The brothers give me hope. How appropriate somehow that you were found out at about the same time that we were remembering in Church the betrayal of Christ by Judas who acted as if he were one of His followers and betrayed Him with a kiss. You say you are religious. You say you have faith. Faith is shown by actions, not just words. Christ said that the world would know His followers by the love they showed for each other. Think about that. Love does not hide its name. Love does not betray trust. Love is trust. Ask someone to share their story....that is what "Friends and Family" section is for right? Heck you could have just listened to the stories told by others and gotten the material you needed. You could have read the posts and the "abuse stories." Why the deception? There are more than enough books out there that have detailed descriptions of SA survivors' reactions and feelings. Unfortunately, it's too easy to find information on SA. When I was hurting and decided to look for help, I found this place in about 5 minutes and recognized brothers from the few posts I read, and the articles. I doubt there is a book. I doubt there is a publisher. My family has had plenty of writers. If you had a publisher you'd've had an advance on the book and you would not be working as a dental assistant. I'll bet you like to scrape the tartar under the gums! I know that wasn't a Christian thing for me to say. I know I'm clergy. But I'm still a man and I still get mad! I'm trying hard to forgive you. It ain't easy. God give me the strength to do it. God give me the strength to keep trusting the brothers on this site. God give you the strength to truly repent and cast away the book you are writing. It's tainted as was the 30 pieces of silver. May you find the peace you need. To paraphrase the Rabbi in Fiddler on the Roof..."May God bless and keep far away from us as possible!"
If I had been so fortunate as to find a site like this when I was a minor (all those many years ago) and was emtionally able to access it, I would like to think that the people there would've protected the child-me by immediately referring me to a professional or professional therapist who dealt specifically with male childhood SA (which was also lacking then).

Even being surrounded by well meaning adults when I was a child did not insulate me from experiencing abuse or, while and after it was occurring, did not help me deal with it.

For a kid, just being here isn't enough and, I think, is of relatively little value at all. I think of it as triage. If a kid is hit by a truck, I don't suggest that a home care nurse is qualified enough take care of his wounds no matter how understanding and compassionate he/she is. Instead, I make sure that a licensed EMT takes him right to the Emergency Room at the closest hospital.

The EMT would find out right away if the kid was actually hit by a truck or was just faking it and taking advantage of a lot of shocked and caring bystanders in the mistaken belief that such behavior would turn him into a great writer.
For Robbie Brown and others who are experiencing much hurt of the recent decieving here, I thought I would 'bump' this up, so they could see that they are not alone in their feelings, and that their anger and upset, it is quite 'normal' to such a situation.

Its not too hard to spot a fraud in this place, nor anywhere
else in our lives.
Liars are unable to be truthful, and nobody can create a life,
nor exist as somebody they are not,


You stole the trust and time of people I care about. Many in pain dropped all struggles and put their own healing aside as a result of your selfish lies. What could possibly make you think you had that right!!! When you look in the mirror you might see a struggling author and actually believe the filth that spews from your writing. When I think of what you might look like all I can see a cold hearted lying bitch who steals all from everyone for her own personal gain. Though you claim to be a victim your actions have shown that you are now an abuser. If it isnt another lie and you actually believe in god - you must know he is as angry as me right now. Your excuses and justification are rubbish. I am sure if you approached the community honestly and with some grain of integrity there are people who may have helped you. I wonder if you can sleep at night now that you have shown you have no soul.
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I'm sorry. This one just makes me freakin sick and sad. How could she!

We take our recovery seriously. I know I do and many others too. HOW COULD SHE!!! HOW DARE SHE!!!
I havent been here for a week and just read this post. I was so focused on how I felt I just wrote it ...I am sorry for if what I wrote is triggering. I edited what was probably going to far.
Mods - delete the rest if not appropriate.

This site has been my crutch and light in dark times. One disgusting lady isn't going to change that for me.
Another woman pretending to be a boy. Is this like some kind of half-assed fad or something?

I find it amazing that people like this, when they're exposed, like to admit this or that but always want to throw in something like "...but I really am a victim of child abuse, honest", as if that's supposed to be some kind of mitigating factor. The same way flaming racists love to say things like "some of my best friends are (whichever race, etc)." What are we supposed to say? "Oh, well that makes it not quite as bad. Sorry we got angry."

This latest person, dan17 or whatever, in parting mentioned that she "had a friend who was abused". Sure. One thing I've noticed, in my relatively short life, about liars is that they seem to think that if they're being honest about being caught in a deception - that is, if they're in the process of admitting to lying about something, any other infobits they choose to throw out in the meantime will be more credible because they're coming out during a moment of "honesty".

Maybe some people buy that; I don't. I think it's incredibly ironic, almost to the point of self-parody, to write a letter like "oh, I lied, I deceived and hurt you, I'm scum, I'm horrible, I'm so sorry - and by the way, such-and-such is completely true, I swear". It's ironic, because even if such-and-such IS completely true, you are STILL A LIAR.