NAMBLA?! I can't beleive this!!

NAMBLA?! I can't beleive this!!


Through links from this site I've found out about NAMBLA, mainly through

I know you have the 1st ammendment in the US but how can an organisation like this be allowed to exist?!

Please let me know if I'm being ignorant of what they actually atand for but from what I've found out I'm dumbfounded!!


I'm afraid you're right. But the fact of the matter is that the First Amendment protects freedom of expression regardless of how disgusting and reprehensible it is. In the States, for example, there is also a legal Nazi Party.

I too have difficulty with NAMBLA's right to exist, but at the end of the day perhaps it's a "good" thing (I use the adjective with caution). If this group were to be banned it would simply disappear underground. As it is they blabber on and so many of them can be tracked and detected.

Much love,
But they seem to raise huge amounts of money!

I take your point though it's a good way of identifying people to avoid!

Still in shock though! It's so so wrong! I've never said this before but thank god for our tabloid press! They would roast them alive!!

NAMBLA is not only active in the US...they are also here in Canada and I would not be surprised if there is an equivalent group in Europe. They are advocates of the "Boy-lover" defense to pedophilia, i.e., they argue that having sex with boys is perfectly ok and natural, and that pedophilia is just another type of sexual orientation like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

I believe that in the late 1990's the FBI infiltrated the USA branch of NAMBLA, and I would be very surprised if the FBI was not monitoring them very closely today.

Another bad group are the ones who are advocating the "false memory" defence for perps. This is the theory that therapists are implanting abuse memories in victims. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few perps in those groups as well.

Personally I think the existence of all these groups means that the perps are on the defensive. Law enforcement agencies are getting better at catching them, and more kids are coming forward and ratting them out. It shouldn't be surprising that perps feel the need to get together and try to fool the public into thinking that what they are doing is normal.

That said, it also goes to show how dangerous the perps can be...groups like NAMBLA can fool people into thinking that perps are just guys with "different" preferences. If you are concerned about them, talk to your local police or if you are in the US, to the FBI. The more attention that can be brought onto these guys from law enforcement, the better.
You've only just found out about NAMBLA? They've been around a while. NAMBLA is a group that has managed to irk just about everyone. They are especially burdensome to the gay rights movement, off whom they leech. One of their favorite slogans is "Eight is too late". Does that make you angry? I bet it does...

Still and all, just about every law enforcement agency in the US is all over NAMBLA, so don't worry about them too much. Such groups are like roaches; shine enough light on them and they scamper away.
Does it not make you wonder just who is involved in this site?
Are there a great many ppl in authority who turn a blind eye.

It must be so, sites like this are left to run, as they are the means of contact for child abusers. But authority lets them go on.
Why? Becuase even if not active, authority figures can simulate their fantasies through sites like this existing.

I guess there are plenty of links to child abuse on the site, but not sure.
These sites tend to make an issue between abuse and love of boys.

It is a twisted view, but apparently there are a whole load of them with a view that boylove is positive for boys.
Transgeneration of sex has gone on through the ages.

Society breeds abuse by social deprivation, and low income, which gives richer people the invite to divulge in perverse sex, which they find easy to do with vulnerable kids.

You only have to look at how many kids tell!
Is it not an indication of how many kids never did tell, and live a hell on earth.

If you can stomach it, go on their site, tell them it is wrong what they do, and see if they agree with you!

If goverments were intent on dealing with sites like this, then they would have dealt with it before, but dont you think that somehow authority figures are complicit with their views.

I do,

Can anyone highlight a organisation that lobbies against this group. I feel anger feel it would be better to support an organised legal group that highlights the complete manipulation and abuse their POV breeds.

To qoute someone's signature, sorry I can't remember who's exactly

"Children don't consent they conform"


While I can't say for sure, my sense of things is that NAMBLA's line is so shocking to the public that they don't find much support anyway.

The sign-off line you are thinking of is the great one Melliferal has a few posts above: "Children cannot consent; they can only comply."

Much love,
Did anyone see the film 'Swordfish'... the main point was that democracy was being saved by unusual methods! Not that I fully agreed with the context!

Is there not a bunch of rich men out there that will equally save society against these perverts?!

Best wishes ...Rik
Originally posted by mark250676:
Can anyone highlight a organisation that lobbies against this group. I feel anger feel it would be better to support an organised legal group that highlights the complete manipulation and abuse their POV breeds.
Most childrens' rights charities lobby against groups like NAMBLA, along with law enforcement organisations, public safety, etc. Also, a letter to the editor of your local paper or a magazine can't hurt. Freedom of speech works both ways; NAMBLA has the right to their opinion, and we have the right to disagree with it.
In the UK, I believe such organisations are illegal!? Please someone tell me I am right????


*They are probaly more likely to receive lottery funding!
From ACLU website

'But the lawsuit says the crime is the responsibility not of those who committed the murder, but of someone who posted vile material on the Internet. The principle is as simple as it is central to true freedom of speech: those who do wrong are responsible for what they do; those who speak about it are not.'

Surely an organisation like NAMBLA makes these people feel their views are normal and as such they feel supported to carry out their perverted acts. As such of course NAMBLA have responsibility for the actions of their members if it's related to the message of the organisation.

If it was a political site, or a terrorist site, it would have been brought down, and every member brought to book.

That is as much as I need to think right now, but nobody can even touch them without being totally scorned and flamed, try it and see,

What kind of replies have people got when they confront these people? Living in the UK means this organisation would be illegal if set up here. As a result I'm sure any UK members would be commiting an offence. As such I'm happy to contact the local media about them.

I am getting concerned that since finding out about this organisation I'm being more and more pre occupied about doing as much as I can, to highlight the madness of it's existance in some way.
Just regarding the comments people have on the ACLU...remember that the ACLU is only fighting to defend NAMBLA's right to speak. They have also defended the KKK and other groups.

Also remember that the ACLU's mission is only to uphold the right to free speech; they don't care what you are saying, only that you have a right to say it. They would be as quick to defend you, should you publicly criticise NAMBLA and NAMBLA tried to use the courts or other means to shut you up.

Personally I feel that NAMBLA has every right to say what they want in public , just as I have every right to publicly warn people that NAMBLA and groups like it are evil.
Sorry to go on but...

However John Reinstein, the director of the ACLU Massachusetts, said that although NAMBLA "may extol conduct which is currently illegal", there was nothing on its website that "advocated or incited the commission of any illegal acts, including murder or rape"

In the UK an adult having a sexual relationship with a minor is rape. Is it not in the US?

Yeah the whole "boy love" thing is annoying as well. To listen to (or read, as it were) these peoples' conversations is an exercise in cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, they claim to hate child abuse "in all its forms", and describe how much they feel sorry for abuse victims and want perpetrators to go to jail, and on the other hand they seem very adamant about the "fact" that if you buy a kid's trust with enough affection or material goods, it's OK to use that trust to convince them to have sex, because then it's not abuse, it's "consentual".

Oh, yes, they also seem to think that the only reason kids don't want to have sex all the time, and the only reason "some" kids feel abused after being molested, is because society has brainwashed them into thinking that sex with adults is wrong. Of course, I suppose it is much easier to blame "society" for making your rape victim a "rape victim", rather than accept responsibility for being the person who actually did the deed to begin with.

It's funny, sometimes - in a recently-referenced (in another thread) pedophile message board, somebody pointed out a post from a pedo explaining that kids' sexuality is something "sacred" and should not be spoiled for any reason whatsoever. An admirable position, I suppose - except for the fact that the post was followed by ten other posts exclaiming that the original poster was wrong. Pedos don't even like other pedos who may suggest that abuse is abuse.
The whole ancient greek thing is a joke as well. Do they also worship Poseidon, Hera and Hephaestus?! Society has moved on from beleiving in seperate gods that control the individual elements and it's also moved on from men who can grow beards raping boys that can't!

Sex between the knee's was big in these times as well. Some how I don't think Nambla memebers are after this!

Sorry end of rant. I studied classical civilisation at school.

US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales

Mr Gonzales highlighted the problem of adults preying on children in chat rooms and networking sites with the purpose of making sexual contact.

Close NAMBLA down then!

The fact that some old Greek pots show 40-year-old men having homosexual relationships with 20-year-old men doesn't mean that the Greeks were into molesting little boys, either. Don't try to tell that to the peds, though - those well-muscled, tall young men on the pots are supposed to represent 9-year-olds, I guess.