My therapist

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My therapist

Told me on Thursday that she was leaving the practice where she is and was not sure where she would be going but it would most likely not be local. It seems that she travels over an hour or so to get to where we meet now and she needs to be somewhere near home. She was not even sure when she would start seeing clients again. SHe needs a break.

I can't make a long trip to get to therapy. I just can't. Hell, I am anxious enough about going and I do not need to make an hour long drive thinking about how the session might go. I was just starting to feel really comfortable with her too. Shit.

I had a really terrible experience with the person I was seeing before her. He was getting quite personal with me and we had one session where he had started yelling at me and I just lost it. I started dissociating and do not even remember getting up and leaving his office. I never went back. The worst part is that he had been doing EMDR therapy with me and after the last session it was like all the work we had done was erased.

I have major trust issues and I had a hard time getting up the nerve to go and see this woman I have been going to and now it is ending with her. I am so overwhelmed right now and I am not sure what I will do.

Thanks for listening.


Sorry that this turn of events looks so icky right now, i just keep thinking how when one door closes another opens, i am hoping this will just be a short transition for you to a new therapist that just clicks for you.

I am wishing for the best on this one.

Sorry about your therapist. I had that happen to me. It was a total blind-side to discover that he was the closest I felt to a person since my seducing pedophile at 12 years old. It shook me up so bad that I attempted a gay date with a gay friend. A total disaster since I'm heterosexual. You have know idea how disappointed I was. I had major issues with women. One final thought: the most effective thearapist I had required nearly an hours drive one way. For me it was well worth the effort. :eek:
for dumping this on you, she should atleast reccommend 2-3 excellent therapists for you to check out. I know it is hard, even more now that one therapist is leaving the area.

Ask her where you should look.