my story

my story


Its been too long ive been a wuss about it, not having the courage to speak out, to tell the world. What I hate the most is that I was angry at myself for blaming myself, but it wasnt my fault, it was never my fault. A defining characteristic of a man is that he takes responsibility for all actions and all outcomes, whether success or failure. All my life Ive tried to assume responsibility for everything that happened to me, but there was one thing that I was trying to explain to myself and to make sense of it, in terms of where my responsibilities lie. The answer is nowhere. This is the only part of my life where I felt I wasnt in control. It was going on for about 2-3 years until I was about 10. Its all a blur so I cant really tell for sure. For some reason those moments are all buried deep down. It was my aunt and it feels weird for me to call her a perpetrator because fundamentally she is a good person, she is now married and has a girl who is 5.The truth is she may be a good person in everybody elses eyes, but they dont know what I know. Every summer I would spend at my grandparents and my aunt still lived with them at that time. There werent enough beds to sleep on so I would have to share one with her. It started one night when she asked me to draw something on her back and she would have to guess it. Then she asked to take turns so she would draw on my back. Every time she would do it she would go a step further and she would ask me to do the same. I was a kid, I had no idea what was going on. It evolved into fondling each others genitals and then I remember her teaching me how to perform oral sex. I also remember the thought of oral sex disgusted me at the time. I cannot remember if I had actually done it or if I had intercourse with her, but there are parts that I need to recollect but cannot seem to remember. Later on she started manipulating me by telling me that if I didnt do some chores around the house or do something for her then I wouldnt get anything that night. From what Im writing right now it seems that I enjoyed it and was looking forward to it. Now I realize how terribly wrong an immoral this was from her. Not only she took advantage of my and my parents trust in her as a caretaker, but she abused it as well by manipulating me. The mark that was left on me I can feel today. I most cases i cannot break that emotional or physical barrier especially if Im in an intimate relationship. Somehow it feels wrong for me to initiate things on a sexual level with my partner, more like im trying to protect them from anything sexual, which of course was the failure for all my relationships and only now im trying to dig deeper and find out whats really going on inside me. I feel like I was conditioned to believe that sexual intimacy is wrong, as she always told me not to tell anyone because my parents would get upset, therefore implying that it was wrong what we were doing. I know that this confession is a first step in many to overcome this natural confusion and I cannot state how important it is to make the first step. It comes down to the fact that we are, or for the most of us, want to be responsible and fulfilled human beings. While we are not responsible for what happened in relation to the perpetrators actions, we cannot simply blame all our failures on that. We owe it to ourselves to assume responsibility and take actions that are necessary for solving these issues. Self-Victimization should never be an option for anyone in any case, because it the sure road to unhappiness. If you are reading this and are at a beginning just like me, then you are already doing the right thing and hopefully thinking about coming to terms with your past experiences and stop letting them control your life. Im a 20 year old college student that hopes that this reading will appeal to the common senses of people in similar situation as me to address this issue as soon as possible and take as mush action as possible.
Im considering my next step as to how to confront her and what to say. It will take a while till I see her again as I have emigrated from my country a while ago and I wont see her until I next visit my country. My only question is to the people that took the time to read this, is if I should tell me parents about any of this. I feel like I should because I feel that these secrets might have caused a rift between me and them as well. I have no idea how they will react with respect to my aunt, all of this might cause a rift in a family that everyone considers strong and united. If someone has already gone through that stage I would appreciate any opinionsand sorry for the excessively long story, it was 10 years of hiding in these lines.
Hi Aecrim,

Welcome!!!!What a clear,self-responsible first post, obviously brought about by your reflection during the last ten years. You're right about blaming yourself because you didn't nothing wrong but were a little kid and she manipulated you. I printed your post for myself to remind me I'm not responsible for what happened to me, but for my reaction to it and to live beyond it. thanx!

As far as confronting her, I'd like to offer an opinion to assist you, but my perps wasn't a family member and there are folks here with more wisdom in that area than I have. Just wanted to say welcome!!!

Aecrim - it always saddens me that we have yet another person here that has been abused. I wish there weren't any more of us out there needing help, but I know there are many.

What gives me heart, when I read your post, is that you are taking action at such a young age and this should help reduce the impacy on your life.

Many of us here waited far too long to speak up.

I wish you strength and luck in your endeavours.

Best wishes...Rik
Welcome. wow, my first post certainly wasn't this lucid or thought out - i also buried my abuse for forty years. while this is all horrible, please be grateful that you are dealing with all this now - not in middle age.
I think before you think of confronting her, or even telling your parents, you need the advice, support and a lot of time with a therapist. Many guys on here will tell you that the expected closure from a confrontation doesn't always happen the way you expect. It can be a real rough ride when family members react bady - but understandably so - from news that one of them is a child molester. It can rock the foundations of a family. So, I would caution you to do this after extensive therapy so that you are able to handle anything that happens.
Welcome. Keep posting as you're able.

I would suggest caution in confronting your perp. I confronted my older sister who raped me often when I was about 11. I wasn't looking so much for an apology as just confirmation that it happened. Her reaction was not what I expected. She confirmed it willingly enough but her recollections were different. Because I was erect at the time, she said I was equally responsible. Now I wish I hadn't brought it up. It was safely buried for about 30 years. The confrontation probably did more harm to me than good. She needs to be ready to admit and apologize before a confrontation is useful.


Welcome to Male Survivor! I'm glad that you found us!

Paul1959 has some wonderful advice. I would strongly encourage you to talk this stuf over with a therapist before you confront your aunt (or even tell your family). Family dynamics can be very complex and having a plan going into a confrontation is always MUCH better than going in unprepared. If you are not prepared and clear about your expectations, it could do more harm than good (like Koveri).

There are many things that a therapist (experienced in childhood sexual abuse issues), will be able to help you prepare for (the perp that deny anything happened, the perp that gives the blame back to you, the perp who doesn't say anything and just walks away, there are dozens of possibilities). It is very important to determine "what you want out of the confrontation". It may take seeing a therapist for a while before you are ready to confront (if that is what you feel you have to do) your aunt. However, I'm sure that the time will be very well spent!

I'm glad that you are here!

Recovery is Possible!



The biggest problem with confronting others has to do with the fact that they may not respond the way that would be the most pleasing to you. Having the strength to confront or disclose is important but the strength needed for the aftermath is also important. Talking to a trained therapist is the key in this situation, you will need the support before and after your disclosure. Standing up and speaking out is important as you have stated but your health and mental health after the event is what I would be the most conserned about.

Glad to have you here, I hope this helps.
Thank you to everyone who replied. Talking to a therapist sounds like a good idea. and for those who live in canada, how much would it cost to get a therapist
Hi aecrim, I just want to echo what other people have said in that your post seemed to hit the nail on the head with regards to right mental frame (or as close as you can get!).

Telling your parents or confronting your aunt is a very major step and I truly believe that you would be better off seeing a therapist first; even if the therapist thinks it's a good idea, they might come up with tips on how / what / when to say something.

As RICK57 said it's so sad that so many people seem to have been subjected to this kind of thing, but you should take heart that people on here know what you are going through and can help you through it. It's made a big difference to me in the short time I've been here, just reading what others are saying and posting my own thoughts.