
Hi people,

My name is AJ and I am a 45 yo male with a wife and 2 gorgeous girls, living in Australia. I am a perfectionist and an overachiever and that has made me wealthy. I also feel that I am a complete fraud and lead a life of utter hypocrisy. Here is my story.

I was raised by quarrelling parents and a very physically abusive father. At age 11, our priest made a move on me but I had fast feet. At age 12 i was victimised by our doctor, who nearly stuck his penis inside me but again my fast feet saved the day. Ashamed and embarrassed about the fondling, the sucking and the exposure (all by the good doc) I shut myself into my world and became a good athlete and a brilliant student. At age 13 I became sexually active, masturbating, initially frantically, then at a more humane pace! During that year, I ended up in hospital twice from my father's beating hands. I left home when I was discharged and lived on the streets for 2 years. I disrupted by schooling and my adolescence. People felt pity on me so I did not starve and eventually when my mother found me, left my father and took me in. A year later, she became very sick, so my dad came back, but by then I was older, stronger and I was able to twart his blows.

I thought that I had provoked the advances of the priest and the doc. I felt ashamed. I felt the need to be accepted by a male in my life, since all the pivotal males had deserted me. I became confused sexually. I was teased mercilessly at school, when I went back. I developed mannerisms unlike those of young teenage boys.

I finished school top in my class. I was awared national awards for art and sport. I left home again at 18 and gave up a scholarship so as to be far from home and start fresh.

Thoughout all this, I was attracted to girls and had girlfriends, but I would also check the men in the showers, but never acting on it. I became a sex addict with personal and girl sex.

Six yers later I married this gorgeous girl and she has been wonderful. I started a business as a professional, and we are doing well. I have 2 magnificent kids who are treated like I would have liked to be treated.

I joined a fanatic homophobic religious group in an effort to stamp out my attraction to men. That worked well for 15 years. The one balmy evening, during a business trip, in a classy Boston precinct, I was raped by 3 masked men, left bleeding and requiring an operation to reconstruct my anal passage. I was wearing women's pads for about 9 months.

Since then, I wished to die and my life changed. Sex with my wife has become almost impossible, but she is kind and understands me. However, upon my return home, I have found the desire for male company much stronger. I spoke to a psychologist friend of mine who suggested this is because of my lack of a male friend in my life, particularly in my youth.

Since then I met this married guy, wife, 3 kids, who wanted casual sex, and we became lovers. We have been together for 4 years now. My addiction to sex has lessened, although I still sneak a bit of porn (Gay and straight - both excite me). I have sex with him monthly - I am too busy for more than that. He holds me, kisses me and makes me feel loved. This is not the attention that I would have wished to have, but it keeps me normal, and keeps me from crashing my car against a brick wall.

Of couse, now I live with the shame of being bisexual and my wife would leave me in a flash if she knew, but I can not ever tell her. She is still a religious fanatic nut. I have tried to break this tryst, but it is asphyxiating everytime I even think of doing so.

My parents are dead now, and so is the priest and the doc (the priest became bishop by the way). I have all the luxuries I want, but I have no peace, and I live a life of pretending because if I stop, without my kids life will not be worth it.

I am not sure if this is the right forum for all my bagage, thus sorry if it is not. I needed to tell my story, because it is such a burden to carry and it hurts me whenever I ponder over it.

As I am preparing to go visit my male lover, I hate myself and I tell myself to accept who I now am. I have to blame my circumstances about who I have become - not doing so is unbearable.

I discovered your site this morning while reading the magazine Men's Health, that was in my office chambers. I am glad I did.


Welcome aboard AJ. I'm fairly new here myself. I'm sorry to hear your story.

I want you to know that the pain and emptiness you feel can manifest in people like me as well, I'm the classic "underachiever". I never succeeded in ................anything. I've been my own worst enemy.

I coulnd't focus and concentrate on a college course if my life depended on it. I have a hard time standing up for myslelf, no self confidence, unassertive, can't achieve anything. (I'm talking mostly career wise).

Your telling of your story is a little bit helpful for me because it helps me realize that even if I was the classic "overachiever", that I would probably still have MAJOR emotional problems, and that my life would still be full of turmoil and anxiety etc.

As you read and post here you will come to know some of the more experienced people here and everytime you read you learn a little more about what's wrong in your life because of the victimization that you've endured.

I wish you luck in your journey to heal, many of us will help if we can.
i'm old enough or smart enough to try to give you advice ,but maybe your punishing yourself by having sex with the guy because like all of us you don't think you deserve all the good things you have with your family . that something is dirty about you and you prove it by doing something you probobly don't even want to do ,. just a thought adam
welcome to MS AJ

I am very sorry for all that you have been through - but glad that you found this place - there are lots of wonderfull new friends to be made here - friends who really understand what we're going through - cause they've been through it themselves...


Tj jeff

Welcome, I too believe you have come to the right place. I have found that being here is at least as helpful as a therapist if not more. That however, is not intended to say that therapy is not needed.

I think that Adam has a point, I at least have found what he says to be true in my own life.

Welcome, and remember that here you are cared about.

Welcome to you AJ. I'm glad you have found this place. The men here seem to share a bond that I've found nowhere else. It is sad the reason we have this bond, but I'm glad I can count all these guys as my friends. It's sort of like I've finaly come home, you know?

You've taken a courageous step in posting here. Take things at your own pace, post when you want to and just sort of lurk around here. I think you'll find it's worth while.

Safe Hugs,


I'm glad you found MS. You will be safe here and no one will judge you.

You have a lot to say in your post. Clearly the rape episode has had a huge impact on you, and it seems to me that in pursuing contacts with your gay lover you are acting out your bad feelings about yourself.

You refer to a psychologist friend helping you, but probably more systematic professional help would be good for you. You seem to be in a situation that is eventually going to pressurize you more and more.

I hope talking about things here will help you.

Much love,
Thanks friends. It is wonderful to receive so many positive remarks. Adam is probably right, I am punishing myself. But like so many of you said, it takes time to find myself and if Jon helps me doing so, so be it. I feel disgusted at my self. I have never cheated on my wife with anyone in 20 years of marriage, except with Jon. In my occupation, one of fiduciary obligation and trust, and looking at least 10 years younger than my real age of 45, I have a lot of women who have propositioned me, one in fact yesterday. So i do not act sissy. The idea of two men kissing turns my stomach, yet that is what I did today with Jon. It seems I go into a safe place with him - also same age as me. A man finally accepts me - although not in the way I hoped for. When we do it, even though it hurts me, it is totally different from what I have experienced before.

I just feel pity on my wife. I keep on buying things for her,cars, jewels, whatever, and this way, she is so distracted from being able to see how sad I am that I am unfaithful to her.

When I tried to break it up with Jon two years ago, I also tried suicide. So my psych friend suggested that I do whatever it takes to keep me alive. But I am almost dead on the inside.

We are taking a holiday to Europe tomorrow, so I will not be in for 2 weeks, but I will try to check this site from an internet cafe if I am able to do so discreetly.

Even though my wife knows of the rape - that was the saddest day in her life - she is oblivious of my coping mechanism. The only good thing about having a gay lover in Jon is that he is a decent and honest guy, but of course he has no idea as to why I am with him.

I am probably leading the guy on as well, making another person unhappy.

By the way, I did see a professional psychologist for 2 years while I was having treatment to reconstuct my rectum and nothing really changed.

May be I was always gay. May be I was always a deviant or a pervert and this brought it to light. I dont have the answers but I appreciate you loving concern.

trigger warning.

I also thought that I was a 'deviant and pervert' for over 30 years, and that's about as long as I've been married.

In that time I've also acted out with other men, although I used strangers. The idea of having a secret male partner often crossed my mind though.

she is oblivious of my coping mechanism.
That sentence says so much, you have an understanding of what is going on in your head, the 'gay relationship' is almost certainly your coping mechanism, and if the reasons are anything like the ones I discovered through therapy they are also ones we can change.

What I was doing was trying to regain CONTROL over the sex that was forced upon me as a boy.
Somehow, somewhere in my subconcious I knew that the sex I experienced was something I didn't actually want, no matter that for about 4 years I asked my abusers for sex and even suggested different positions, asked for group sex and 'appeared' to be very willing - that was what they taught me to do.

As an adult I then thought that my salvation lay in reclaiming that loss of control and power by doing the same sex acts but on my terms.
It doesn't work AJ, or at least it didn't work for me anyway.
How could I have regained control over something that happened 25 years ago?

In all my acting out I had a fixed idea in my head of what I wanted from my encounters with other men, it was actually a fantasy and as such had no basis in reality.
What I wanted was to call ALL the shots, I wanted to be in control. But how could that ever happen when the other man also wanted things to go his way as well?
I desperately needed ( and I'm saying this with the benefit of hindsight and therapy ) to give the other guy a bj or have him have anal sex with me, but I had to ask him to do it, sometimes I begged , and the moment he asked for something - even if it was what I wanted - the feeling of me reclaiming my sense of control was over, and I fled the encounter, sometimes half way through.

There's a huge disparity between begging a stranger to let me give him a bj and actually being in control, and it was NEVER going to work.

Much of the work any survivor does is actually about the loss of control we experienced as a kid, and how we then deal with it as an adult. I personally feel that the actual sex acts are somewhat secondary to the abuse of power.
It's a very big picture, and we need to step back and look at the whole thing before we make sense of it.
You already do a lot of that, the family you grew up in will have a huge influence on your life as you have said, it made you vulnerable, and these influences all come into play as we become adults.

I hope you do come back, because you were abused. And whether you are gay or not it doesn't matter, the abuse in all its forms is a poisonous influence.

Take care
Thanks David.

What you are saying makes a lot of sense. The issue of gay sex is an interesting one. You wanted to be in control. I want to be dominated. But as long as my lover dominates me without making me feel bad and shows me love, that is what makes me feel accepted I think.

Not a course I wish to continue upon, but albeit a necessary one at this stage.

I am on holidays next two weeks, will come back in then.

It is wonderful to have such support in here!

