my sistrs new bf

my sistrs new bf


sarah has a new bf
he seems nice enuff
im trying 2 be nice to
him cuz she seems 2
really like him.
all of my moms and my sistrs
bfs seemed real nice at first.
then turned into fucking
whackjobs who r more intrested
in whats in my pants then their
girlfriends! ;(
but im being nice
but i did tell him that he bettr
not hurt sarah in any way or
else ill fuck him up but
hopefully this guy will be better. there are decent guys out there. it's just a real shame losers keep finding thier way into your life.

it seems like a dynamic gets started, and sometimes it just keeps going. your mom chose losers, so her children learned to chose badly. now they are in this cycle where they keep chosing men that arent any good.

the fact is that there are more good men that wouldnt abuse you that bad ones that would, but your mom is stuck in this atraction to the type that does hurt you and her both.

that cycle can be broken, but it requires a person to question thier atractions and chose someone that maybe they normally wouldnt.

anyway, i hope it works out for her sake and yours. hang in there, and i will be praying for you.

ya i dont get it
it sucked so bad for my mom
being w the stepdick. so she
leaves him and goes w guys
who r just like him.
my sistr husband brad seemd
like a nice guy 2. he was real
good to her and took care of her.
didnt drink or hit her or nothing
like that but he wanted to
hook up w me. so she kiks him out
gets a divorce.
now this new guy.
He prob only went with her to get to you, but this one might be different,

well being a decent man means doing the right things. trying to hook up with you while brad was with your sister says what type of man he was. dont despair completely though. one day one of these men wont just appear good, he will be good.
With a bit of luck, he will marry her and take her to live with him, then you wont need to moan about her ;)

with a little luck hes a rich
dude and he works for a companie
that makes duct tape :)
He dont need to own the company, he will just go and buy it in bulk ;)

ya hes gonna hafto
cuz she just cant shutup
for a second!
u should hav herd her last
sunday i was trying to
chill and watch football and
she kept on blah blah blah blah
Mb, this guy is deaf :)
Stick a big lump of soap in her mouth, and watch her crunching it, blowing bubbles,

thats a good idea
an wen i do and she gets
pissd off and wants to scream
for 2 hours can i give her
ur number?
Nope :p

She needs a good listener,
and I am NOT!!!! :eek:

She needs YOU, to yell at,
not me!
Everyone h8s me, but thats cool too :cool:
That way, I avoid most of the bullshit, from
my sister and brothers etc.,

no i dont hate u
i dont anyone cept my stepthings
i just dont like u all that
much wen ur trying to make
me hurl is all :)
I hope this works out for her, and you.
