"My Perp"

"My Perp"
I keep hearing the phrase "my perp."

Let me tell you, HE AINT MINE, I lay no claim to him. He is simply the perp.

Hang in there

I think you might have a point there Bro.

When I say, O! I am in pain! I 'become' my pain; as Im allowing pain to take over my being. Instead when I say, I am going thru pain, I know it will be over soon.
This one word 'going thru' suddenly changes the entire perspective.

What if I apply the same principle to anger? What if instead of allowing 'my' anger to take over me, I allow it to pass thru or express it by saying: I am angry. I dont need anyone else to validate my feelings, or what I am going thru.

Come to think of it, I wasted so many precious years waiting for my parents and my abuser to validate my pain. When, I had to do it for myself to really validate it, to set myself free...."Yes I have suffered, yes I have 'experienced' pain, but now its over, for I HAVE let it go!"

Funny all this while, when I so wanted to move on, but didn't want to do what it takes to set yourself free from the past, by validating it.

Now I know its over because I have found peace WITH PAST, and I've found it within my Self.
I fully agree Darrel, I use the perp, it sort of divorces them from me, I dont have a connection with them anymore, they are in no way mine. I think it does make a difference in how we think about the role abusers play in our thinking now.


I see your point! I have also seen it said somewhere that even to refer to "the perp" waters down what we are really talking about: "the abuser".

Much love,
Darrel, never thought about that before. I guess saying "my" conveys some ownership. Well then, what ownershipdo I want regarding the abuse? None.

THE PERP it is!

(please forgive me if I slip up occasionally by using the old power-given-over-to-and-incorrect name).
The perps works for me, or the abusers... because a)because I don't own them they are not mine, and b)because perps are perps, I know I was not the only target in most of them.