my life meant nothing - but some how i lived

my life meant nothing - but some how i lived


sorry i am so upset

the abuse was too much -

i don't klow how i lived -

i can't take it right now -

i thank god for being there -

here is a poem that i found that sums it up

god bless all -

this is all i had growing up -
nothing else

If You Had A Friend

If you had a friend strong, simple, true,
Who knew your faults and who understood;
Who believed in the very best of you,
And who cared for you as a father would;
Who would stick by you to the very end,
Who would smile however the world might frown:
I'm sure you would try to please your friend,
You never would think to throw him down.

And supposing your friend was high and great,
And he lived in a palace rich and tall,
And sat like a King in shining state,
And his praise was loud on the lips of all;
Well then, when he turned to you alone,
And he singled you out from all the crowd,
And he called you up to his golden throne,
Oh, wouldn't you just be jolly proud?

If you had a friend like this, I say,
So sweet and tender, so strong and true,
You'd try to please him in every way,
You'd live at your bravest -- now, wouldn't you?
His worth would shine in the words you penned;
You'd shout his praises . . . yet now it's odd!
You tell me you haven't got such a friend;
You haven't? I wonder . . . What of God?
i have to put this away - crying will not make it go

I'm sorry you are hurting right now. When you hurt, I hurt.

I like the poem. I'm clinging to the belief it will be true one day. It will, won't it?
My Thought or Me

I was Alone
Or so I thought.

I was Broken
Or so I thought.

I was Rejected
Or so I thought.

I was a Sinner
Or so I thought.

I was Abandoned
Or so I thought.

I was Weak
Or so I thought.

I was Ugly
Or so I thought.

I was Unloved
or so I thought.

It was an unreal world
created by
a thought in me.

Today I know better,
I think of myself first
than of a thought in me.

Today I know
whom to believe
my thought
or me.

So each time
I think of
something bleak
I think again.

Only this time,
I think of
the Power
within me.

I think of
the Light
that is me.
thanks -

actually just plain Mark will do

i love the sky - and yeah the stars and the sun

you guys keep me looking up!

Hey Mark,

Hang in there Bro. We've got your back with a couple of guys to the side and a few more out front.

Love you Bro,

Oh, and Mark?

We've all got baseball bats!
Hope that helps!!!

Thanks for the poem, but mainly for all your heart-felt contributions to the DB.

When these really bad moments come and we think back to the balckest days of our lives, I think that's when we need just to turn to our friends and rely on their support. We're with you Mark.

Much love,
thanks guys