My letter to the paper

My letter to the paper


Well I finaly got my letter to the paper done ,droped it off on Monday morring talked with the editor for half hour only to be told today that they may not publish it. I didn,t bring up any facts about my SA just talk about the effects of SA and the need to heal. Talked on the phone today with the editor and was told it may raise too many eyebrow"s and that I sounded like I was an expert on the topic, What the fuck do they want. My old home town is mid size 25000 people and the paper is afraid that too many people would get upset by it . Just don,t understand.
I would like to thanks the people that helped me on this . A special thanks to Gary who worked with me last Sunday for many Hours. Here ,s the letter.

Recovering from male childhood sexual abuse
Society still responds to instances of child sexual abuse as if each were an exception from the way things are. We have failed to understand the enormity of this evil and how profoundly it affects the child. It doesnt matter if the perpetrator is a winning coach, an outstanding scoutmaster, an inspiring teacher, a great provider for your family, a beloved priest, a helpful neighbor, or a nurturing uncle; what they did was evil.
Childhood trauma dramatically affects both the structure and chemistry of the developing brain, Sexual abuse can damage key brain structures associated with rational thinking, memories and emotions. These biochemical imbalances can have profound implications leading to depression and impulsive aggression. The more time that elapses between the abuse and the beginning of treatment the more entrenched the neurological abnormalities manifest themselves.
Be it the coercion of a young, naive child or in the form of violence, sexual abuse is the most elemental violation of ones humanity. Secrecy is the cement that holds the victim down and keeps him from seeking help. It allows sexual abuse of children to continue despite the presence of concerned family, friends, and neighbors and the
existence of child protective legislation. Males may be more damaged by societys refusal or reluctance to accept their victimization and by their resultant belief that they must tough it out on their own. Most victims will remain hidden in silence, held there by guilt and shame however the child did nothing wrong, the evil was done unto him. The guilt and shame belongs to the perpetrator.
As time progresses and the child matures, they can become very angry and lonely. They have lost their childhood and in the process, learned to trust no one. For many children the memories of the sexual abuse is pushed deep down into the darkest corner of the brain only to resurface many years later in flashbacks. When triggered, these memories may appear as isolated fragments or in many instances, flood the victim with visions from the past. If it is not enough to experience the initial abuse, most victims
will relive the trauma for years until the silence is finally broken.
Sadly, the effect of internalizing these events and not speaking out may result in a variety of negative behaviour patterns including: alcohol and drug addictions, depression, despair, low self-esteem, nightmares, memory loss, sleep disorders, lack of intimacy, and sexual dysfunction. To break themselves from this cycle the victim must speak up and be heard.

By ending the silence we begin the healing and move from being a victim to becoming a survivor. Truthtelling is the process through which we recover real power and free ourselves from the tyranny of the past. As a survivors the healing prosess can be a wild roller coaster ride as we purge the memories of the past abuse.This emotional release is a very beautiful and a healthy thing. With professional help from a Therapist the survivors learns to navigate through the many stages of healing on the road to re
gaining our true life. A life which is no longer controlled by the effects of the sexual abuse.
It is important that all victims come forward, no matter how long ago the abuse took place, to be heard and join other survivors in the healing process. If all victims stand together as survivors, we can make changes that will protect todays children from the evil we were subjucted to.
Teach all the children to never hide in silence. It is the Time to Heal. Thank you

What a beautiful, well written article.
To break themselves from this cycle the victim must speak up and be heard.
That is what I have been trying to do with my story. Unfortunately, it seems no one wants to listen to me. I did a post a few weeks ago under music for survivors. "Make Them Hear You" The song is from the musical Ragtime, but in so many ways is says what you have just said.

I want to wish everyone the best in their recovery. However, I have found that the hardest strugle that I have been facing is getting someone to listen to me.

Best wishes to everyone.

John "Make Them Hear You"
It's a very good letter, but in my experience newspapers usually publish letters of about 150 words or so, much shorter than this one. But this could be a good Op-Ed piece if they are open to it. Or they could assign a reporter to write a story and interview you. Or you could submit this elsewhere.

I have written about 15 letters to editors, and only three have been published in about eight years. It's important to keep trying.

Keep up the good work, Muldoon!

I write letters all the time (not always about this issue) and some get published and some don't. Sometimes it surprises me the things that do get published.

For many news organizations, they want to "excite" the reader without making them feel bad. The issue of child abuse needs to be talked about in the open news more and more, but their is a lot of guilt out there stopping it (in my opinion).

I would agree with what Richard said and see if there is some other way to get your stuff published in the paper. Who knows, a supervisor or editor could have gotten squeemish and stopped it as well.

Most likely the process of writing the letter for you and everyone that helped out will help to further your (and others) healing. Sometimes just proclaiming those things in actual print, helps propel us to new heights.

Hi Muldoon:

It truly saddens me to find out this may not get published because it "may raise too many eyebrows" ??? That's a pretty lame excuse no matter how you cut it.

As children we fight with the secrecy and the most difficult decision all survivors make is telling someone about the abuse and breaking the silence. That one step alone takes incredible courage and character.

Gentlemen, I just wish the Editor Muldoon is dealing with had a little of what keeps us all going.

Keep the faith buddy,

I understand your frustration, Muldoon.

I have tried unsuccessfully to get attention from local and state newspapers to issues before.

Unfortunately, despite what they say, the media is not in the business of informing the public. They are in the "ratings" or "eyeballs" business, in order to charge more for advertising time or space.

Keep trying, though, and submit your piece to other papers in your state.

I wish you luck... ;)

Thanks everyone for your words. The Hastings paper doesn,t have any rules on total # of words for letters but I do like the idea of asking them to run it as an Op-Ed piece , Thanks Richard. I am also going to talk with my T and see if we could make it a co letter with his name also, that would kill their exc. about me sounding like an expert.
In my dealing with the church I asked them to reach out to the other victims of Father R and they have agreed to do that. There will be a coummity wide meeting on Nov 14, called A Time to Heal. The # 1 guy from the Archdiocese Father Kevin is coming down to speak about SA and the resources that will be avilable to all who need them.
I wrote the letter to let the other victims know that they are not alone. That is why it is so important to get it in the Hastings paper next week. You guys helped me break the silence when I became an survivor last May and I want to help others. Thanks Muldoon

WTG, fellow male survivor! This is the kind of thing I hope to be doing soon. You are an inspiration! :D

Take Care
