My job, it sucks and I can't get out.
I know I need to get a new job but I'm scared. Not only do I make crap money I think the work conditions (dealing with the public and my bosses ineptude at management) are making life alot tougher than it needs to be. However I don't think I could work anyplace else (I actually think that my boss had half a brain, I wouldn't be working here either). I keep forgetting things, I'm stressed out. Half of the time I think the problems are mine, the other half I think its his fault because he sucks as a manager. BTW, he is the owner so there is no one higher I could speak to.
Right now, its hard because I don't have a therapist, there isn't anybody in my area that has experience w/ male csa around.
Right now, its hard because I don't have a therapist, there isn't anybody in my area that has experience w/ male csa around.