My job, it sucks and I can't get out.

My job, it sucks and I can't get out.
I know I need to get a new job but I'm scared. Not only do I make crap money I think the work conditions (dealing with the public and my bosses ineptude at management) are making life alot tougher than it needs to be. However I don't think I could work anyplace else (I actually think that my boss had half a brain, I wouldn't be working here either). I keep forgetting things, I'm stressed out. Half of the time I think the problems are mine, the other half I think its his fault because he sucks as a manager. BTW, he is the owner so there is no one higher I could speak to.

Right now, its hard because I don't have a therapist, there isn't anybody in my area that has experience w/ male csa around.

Jason, try checking with your local hospital and/or Human Resources office. They will have a social worker. If you are insistent, maybe the social worker will be able to find someone experienced in CSA and make a referral for you.
Maybe try sending in applications to other companies for a different job. It sounds like your boss is a jerk and is only adding to your unhappiness. Peace, Andrew
Now, I know my boss is inept and a jerk. I get a call from a customer this morning confirming my 2pm appointment at her house (which BTW is after we close). I had never been told a thing. I tell her that there is a misunderstanding and I will have to talk to the boss and see if I can clear this up. I talk to him asking him if he had made me this appointment and he doesn't even know about it. He tells me that the women was supposed to call after 3 yesterday to set something up, I had left before she called because I am currently having a problem with my foot. Anyway so we finally figure out that one of my co-workers had scheduled this appointmnt without even telling anyone, let alone asking me if I would work after hours. My boss doesn't even flinch and just says well go out there and see what the problem is. He says nothing about how he will even talk to this person to find out if she indeed did tell this women this and also if she did to tell her that she can't do that because A. people have to know B. I have to be asked if I'll work after hours.

I feel like I'm being used, I feel as if as long as he's not inconvienced he will do nothing about a situation unless he HAS to. As long as he can ignore it, he will.