My introduction to the group

My introduction to the group


Hello everyone. I just found this site today, and thought I'd introduce myself. I am so glad to see other men can relate to me. My experience is that it's probably best to not share this with too many people. I lost every girlfriend - not many in my life - with whom I shared things about my past. I finally realize they cannot forgive me, and I only humiliate myself trying to be forgiven by them.
It's probably best to start with what led me to seeking out this site. I recently destroyed every social connection I had in my last attempt to be forgiven by another. I was sent away to a military school when I was 12, and spent the year being beaten multiple times a day, and molested by my room mate. There was no room in the building with kids my age, so I was with the 15,16,and 17 year old boys. I moved back with my mother the next school year. I didn't talk to anyone for a year, except to be as rude and disrespectful to most authority figures I came across. I was too ashamed of myself to date in high school, and too embarrassed to date in college. But when one woman express strong interest I was so full of self hatred, anger shame,and FEAR I trashed my apartment, and created an episode that landed me in jail for 9 days. Never tell a cop to blow you. Trust me. I signed myself into a hospital for evaluation. All charges were dropped. I went back to college, but couldn't function. I eventually drove of the week before my last finals.
I moved 3000 miles away to get a new start. Almost got married, but my intuition told me to break things up before I lost myself. I have been high since I was 12. I have used various drugs, even to the state of psychosis - see above. I literally keep myself inside most of the time avoiding my fears. I have reduced my life to the bottom, and have forgotten how to move forward. I did finish my degree last year - yes the GPA was shattered. Now what? I have so many body issues I have a hard time touching and being touched - these both are an important part of being human. Ihad a similar flashback recently, but I was mostly in control - except my anger was probably too intense. I hate every part of my life accept the hope I have for my future. I sabatage everything good in my life, and always find myself back at this point. Alone, and wanting to move somewhere nobody knows me. The sad thing is my lack of job skills, and the fact that dealing with being polite(includes pretending things aren't the way they are) makes me sick . I don't know what to do. I am facing my addiction, and seeking training in a field where I'm not embarrassed to say what I do for a living.
At this moment I feel okay, but the last month I've been on the crisis line, and planning my escape to somewhere else. The realization is I need to start here, and now. But when I look at all that I've lost I wonder why bother. Would I want to impose myself on a potential wife. I told my last girlfriend I was damage beyaond repair, and that she should find someone who would make her happy. She did, and we're still friends. Correction: she didn't walk out of my life when I told her. Well, I guess I could be more organized in my writing and more articulate as well.
Final questions:
1. Does anybody have the experience of actually overcoming this destructive way of living? The working hard, the accomplishing something, the destroying it all, and doing it all over again.
2. Has anyone overcome the touching and being touched issues to the point where they feel compfortable in their sexuality? I still always feel shame, and dirty. If it makes me feel good I have to be evil.
I'm pushing 40, and am suprised that I actually have the desire to move forward, and not cave in on myself again. I've barely considered suicide in the last month. A couple of years ago I literally had it all planned out. I wish I could understand why I always stay stuck at the some level -failure. Self image stuff I'm sure. Thaks for reading this far.
I am glad you found this site. All the brothers here have helped me more than I could ever express. Unfortunatley, I have no answers for you. I am still nervous about touching. I want to be toched and loved, but it scares me and I have a difficult time letting anyone close.
If you ever need anything, feel free to P.M. me or one of the brothers. We will help as much as we can. Just don't be afraid to ask for help, we all need a helping hand now and again.
Good luck to you with your healing, and I pray the best for you!
Welcome, I found this site a about 3-4 weeks ago. It's really helped me out and I encourage you to come back. I do, sometimes twice a day, just to remind myself that I'm not alone in what I'm going through.

Have you ever heard of a self-fulling prophecy? It's when you think something will automatically happen, so you do everything in your power to make it happen. Hence, the problems you've had in your romantic relationships with women and probably your social relationships with men. You sabotage your relationships not because of who you are, but the false ideas/feelings of yourself put there by your attacker. You do everything in your power to make sure that negative image of yourself is fulfilled. Allowing him to win and continue to have control over you. So of course, you're going to feel powerless.

As far as the touch/being touched issue. That's normal. I noticied with ex-girlfriend and a few other women that I've been with after her that I was extremeley nervous to the touch because I was vulnerable again, naked both physically and psychologically.

Man, there's been times that I felt so dirty that I've wanted to physically cut off my penis. It became an object of the pain and humilation that I suffered. I felt that if it was no longer on me that no sa would've taken place and none would take place in the future.

My advice to you is that you don't need to be another relationship right now. What you need is to build a up great friendships with both sexes. They'll help to restore you sense of self-worth, but more importantly your sense of safety and trust. Be cool with people and listen to their stories, you'll be surprised how much you can learn about yourself.

You have to look at your recovery as a savings account. You're building up a future for yourself. If you use love and compassion instead of hate and anger to fill it up, you're account is going to continue to grow on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.

Take baby steps in the right direction, instead of giant leaps in the wrong. It's worth it in the end.

First of all, welcome. Wish you and I did not need to find such a site, but I'm glad we're here.

As the others have said, take it at your own pace. It is a process and it can take time to feel comfortable.

As to your first question, self-destruction of everything good in my life was my way of dealing with good things. I wasn't used to good things and so I would sabotage them. It hurt, but at least I knew hurt. Feeling good was too scary, waiting for the other shoe to drop. As one of the brothers said, self-fulfilling prophecy. I wasn't any good and I was going to prove it!

To the touching issue. I also am very very nervous about being touched. And I realized that was not good for my recovery, so slowly, I am allowing it. I have a friend at work who hugged me without warning and I froze. But I am working on that, and when she does it now, I try and remember she is doing it because she cares. It helps me relax in the situation. Still not feeling great about it, but like everything, it takes some work.

Hope that helps and again, welcome.

Hi Jorge,

Welcome sorry we had to meet under these circumstances but now your here stay close, you will learn a lot here.

Sabotage I know it well, everything good I've done in my life I have damaged or tried to destroy completely anything I gained plasure from as like you I felt evil even to consider feeling good. I very nearly blew my degree course I did as mature student. I lost all interest in my course when my original abuser came to light. Then all hell broke loose. A dream (I had held from childhood) was very nearly destroyed.

I have tended to label myself before anypone else does if that makes sense.

Anyway Im a bit off the wall at the moment so my advice could be offbeam.

As I said stay close to this site. Its saved me going off my rocker on a few occasions.

BTW i'm 48 and didnt do anything about my abuse till I was 44. It took that time to come out

"And all that was left was hope"
Hello and welcome. We are all here to help each other. Sabotage, I know it well. I think I may even still be doing it. I'm in a really serious situation that is causing huge amounts of anxiety. I am questioning every move that I make. Some have been good. Some have been bad. I have no idea of what the end results will be when things are totaled up. Now, as for touching, I NEED my 3 feet of personal space. I get uncomfortable when anyone invades it. I have had no physical contact with anyone beyond the unavoidable handshakes and hugs for 3 years now. The higher the anxiety and stress in my life, the worse it gets. My skin crawls at the thought of it right now. I have met someone whom I think is going to help with that.

I too am very sorry for what happened, but I'm glad you found this place. It does help and it can save lives. It did mine. The men (and women, on Family and Friends) are the greatest bunch of people on the planet, and they want you to heal and be well.

Now, onto the stuff you asked about....

Oh, yes, I'm VERY self-destructive. Overspending, overeating, drinking, self-damage, you name it, I've probably done it or still do it. I fight the urges every day. The thing is, Jorge, and it's an easy thing to say but hard to do, is to not focus on the future. The future, you see, is too far ahead and cannot be changed anyway because it hasn't happened (thank "The Terminator" time-paradoxes for that insight :D ). What we CAN do, and in many ways, it's harder, is control what we do NOW, THIS SECOND.

Example, if drinking is your particular destructive behavior of choice (I choose this because I struggle with it, and my father's a recovering alcoholic. I come from a long line of them), decide that JUST FOR RIGHT NOW you won't drink. The urges come, and they will, resist them. Call friends, speak to people you trust (and that's another issue for another time), do ANYTHING you can to avoid the urge.

As for touching, well, that subsides, too, but it requires work. Are you in therapy? If you aren't, you should consider it because it helps. Believe me, I wasn't one of these "therapy believers" myself until I NEEDED one. Now that I've gotten good therapy, I KNOW it can help. If you're having trouble finding one that deals with these things, there are plenty of resources on this site, or a call to your local rape crisis center can help. You don't have to need it NOW to use it. Sadly, they're becoming quite proficient in dealing with childhood traumas.

And just keep TALKING. Post here, talk to those who you can, be as open as you can and need to, because getting this stuff out will be the first thing you can do to get free of the bad stuff that comes with it. When you're ready, it can be the thing that sets you free.

Jorge, I can't WAIT to see what you contribute here. And I'm glad to have "met" you. There's something I always say to the new guys on the site, and it can be a bit off-putting, but I don't think you heard it honestly said often enough. I love you, my brother. There's no strings attached, and I want nothing in return for it.

Peace and love, Jorge.

I would just like to add my welcome to you. Like everyone else Im so sorry you need us, but glad you found us. I have found some of the greatest bunch of men in the world here.

Welcome Jorge,

I'd like to offer my sentiments of welcoming you to our place on the web. As you are probably seeing, this a great bunch of guys. These guys, this site and this organization has provided me more help and support than I could ever express. I hope you find and open up to the same. It's a great feeling.

Take care,
Thanks for all the replies. Just reading them today has made me able to see the "cloud of darkness and destruction" as a separate entity. Something I can confront and challenge. For my whole life I have always felt the way we have all expressed here so far, but I didn't know there were others with the same symtoms. The clarification that the symtoms are not the ego/self give me a more solid foundation from which to confront the darker things when they demand control. Life is much easier in theory than in practice, so I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the time and support.