My homework from my T

My homework from my T


My homework for next week is to write a letter to a 7 year old boy who was molested by a woman but it can only be 1/2 page. There are sooo many things I have to say. And I start to tear up when ever I think about it. The session felt very intense for me last night. I feel kinda overwhelmed.
Any suggestions?
Suggestion: write it from your soul. Let your heart and emotion run. then it will be perfect.

I have homework from my T too. Mine is to write a letter to my father. As yours, this can only be written by me.
At the last MS National Coference in Minneopolis on of the workshops had us write a short letter to your perps. I was sent off to the hallway with a big pile of paper. It was a wonderful experience. It was then that I, for the first time, believed with my whole being that it wasn't my fault.

These theraputic letter can do a lot of good. But your all into it and reap the benefits.
Hi Glen,

What Bill says is what works best for me. I have written similar letters for t and tended to think too much about them, now I just keep writing until Im done. It can be edited later if necessary. If you feel its getting overwhelming then you could just do as much as you can. Maybe writing it close to the time you have therapy would be an idea so that you can process the feelings it brings up for you in your therapy.

It has been a good way to get to feelings and other perspectives for me, but if I fear being overwhelmed or bringing up too much at once then I just do as much as I feel able to at the time. Its always an option to do it again, I have written some letters a few times.

Good luck with it.

I visualized meeting the little me on the far side of a foot bridge that spanned the years the bad stuff took place. I even pictured my abuser waaaayyyy down below where he couldn't reach us.

When I got to the other side, I found the little me sitting there just fine waiting for me to show up.

He said, "There you are! I've been waiting for you."