My future

My future


Hey, I was active here a couple of months ago, but life got busy and I had to go with the flow. I have a question that I need affirmation on. I am a college kid I am in the majors Addiction counseling and Social Work. After I get my MSW I want to work with sexual abuse victims and sexual offenders. Today to get into the major I had to go into an interview. It was 2 addiction major profs, one psych prof, and one community specialist in addctions. One of the profs there knows esentially everything about me. I am in therapy with one of his grad students and she reports to him. During the interview he, the addictions prof basicly asked me if I was wanting to work in the fields I want to becuase of my own sexual gradification. I am hurt. I didn't quiet know how to react. If I got angry like I was feeling, then he would take that as me being defensive and trying to cover soemthing. so I said that I searched myself throughly and I saw nothing of that, but nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
I feel like crap. NEVER in my life would I hurt soemone like that I would sooner take my own life than cause the pain that I feel. So I think he think I want to do this for my own gain. trust me if I wanted to torture kids I wouldn't sepnd 60000$ to do it. I think I am offended. for one thing he had personal knowledge that didn't need to be brought up and out. but he did. Granted he is a psychologist. But he asked very pointed questions that had nothing to do with the interview and how well I would be as a counselor. If he was going to take this route, then shouldn't he of asked me before hand?
ohh well I just need affirmation.

[ February 23, 2002: Message edited by: fatkid_1000pd ]
"..attitude check"
He wanted to see how you would handle stress. Police do this often.
Keep plugging away at college, do what you want with your life. Make a victim into a survivor. And help them smile by liking themselves a little better.
You said in your post that you wanted to work with victims and offenders. This prof sounds like he was trying to seen how you would react to having button pushed. You can count on offenders to do that when you are treating them.

Continue your schooling but know where the hard spots in the road will be.
I just want to add my two cents, the situation you have put yourself in by persuing this major is one where you will have to take a serious look at yourself in all areas. I doubt if his question came out of any personal knowledge he had from your therapist,, that would be so unethical. I suspect he asks pointed confrontational questions of all applicants. Don't take it personal.

I agree with Ken, I have to believe the question was intended to see how you would handle a very confrontive and stressful question from someone, perhaps that someone would be a patient, a law enforcment officer investigating a case or even some attorney.

I agree with you that he kind of blindsided you with the question and it sounds like you handled it very well. You can't take that stuff personal, especially in that line of work. If you think this guy was tough on you, just wait till you work with your first intelligent perpetrator, he will be pushig your buttons all over the place trying to get you rattled.

I hope you continue with school and reach your goal of becoming a counselor, its a bumpy road along the way and well worth the struggle, I think you will do great too!

THanks for listening to me, I need an ear. I talked with my proffessor and he appologized for his lack of tact. He was worried with working with Sexually compulise people that I would fall into temptation. I thouhg that he was accusing me of wanting to hurt children. SO it is clearer.
I don't think that I would have taken it so personaly if he was anyone else. In that situation he had power over me and I think that I was a little bit uncomfortable with that. Then just to have so many people there that I hadn't shaired my story with and probably wouldnt have. Just stressful
Well, thanks for everything. I feel 100% better than I did Fri.
God bless
Glad you were able to talk it out with your professor. some many times what we think is going on is worse than the truth when we find it out.

Good luck with your continued studies. :)