My friend JP
EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING!!! - kidnapping and sexual torture
I first remembered this happening to me by reading a post that SilenceNoMOre made back in 2020 (Removing my scar) where he talked about being burned on his penis as part of the abuse - it was like a lightbulb was switched on in my head and all of the memories came flooding back - not that I'd ever really "forgot" the scar - just had put it away in a "box" that remained unopened for many years
I've told a few people about what happened over the past few years but I never posted it here - why? - because I don't even know JP's last name - I don't even know if he's alive (though I doubt it from what I understand after talking to others about it) - but... it needs to be talked about - it's eating me alive inside holding it in - part of me is still scared as if I think it could happen to me again
I met JP in the spring of 1981 when I was 9 - I think he was close to my age - maybe a bit older (though he seemed younger because he was so skinny and small) - His family was in town because his Dad had a construction job - They rented an old house that should have been condemned - His parents were very deep into drugs - they did unspeakable things to JP and photographed them to trade for drugs - one time they did those things to me - shortly after that his dad's construction job was done and they moved on and I never saw JP again
The first time I ever met JP he was crying and hiding in the brush on the upper mill pond in the town I lived in because he had just been beaten - we seemed to form an instant bond through our mutual abuse histories - I fished that upper mill pond regularly as an escape from my own house and would meet him there as often as I could (he seemed to be able to escape when his mother was passed out from drugs and his dad was at work) - the rail road tracks going through the town cut the mill pond in half (I walked the tracks a lot - they went right past my house) - most people only ever fished the lower pond (which was a much bigger pond and had a park in it) - the upper pond was surrrounded by an old abondoned pickle factory and woods and hardly anyone ever went on that side - being that it was so secluded I convinced JP to go skinny dipping with me as a way to cool off his (and mine) wounds - we would lay on the bank in the tall grass to dry off afterwards and sometimes we would fall asleep for hours - after a few times I started bringing a jar of salve that I would put on the spots where he had been burned by cigarettes - this routine of meeting him at the pond went on for months and we would tell each other "everything" of what had happened to each other - nothing was off limits to discuss - we would look at the scars and marks on each others bodies and ask the story of how the scar came to be
One day in the early fall - I think it was a Friday - I met JP at the pond - we swam for a while and then crawled up in the tall grass and fell asleep - the next thing I knew was strong hands around my throat waking me up - telling me not to make a sound or I'd be dead - it was JP's dad - I had no idea how he'd found us there - he seemed mad - he grabbed us both with an iron grip on our arms and walked us naked down the tracks back to their house (didn't even let us grab our clothes - good thing the tracks are surrounded on both sides by fairly thick trees and brush - though I'm sure someone could have seen us at times - especially getting from the tracks to the house that was on the edge of an industrial area) (the only house I've ever been in that the flies flew out of the house to escape the smell as soon as you opened up the screen door) - I was taken downstairs to the musty basement and tied to the four corners of JP's bed - it seemed like hours before they brought JP down and tied him to a rafter in the basement ceiling - I could tell he'd been beaten - he was crying uncontrolably all the while trying to say how sorry he was to me - how they had forced him to tell them everything about me - a short while later his mother came down and started asking me tons of questions about the abuse from my own mother and the abuse from my uncle - seems like she knew everything I'd ever told JP - she even knew that I could ejaculate at the age of 9 which was something she was VERY interested in because JP couldn't yet - she had a camera - big and unlike any I'd ever seen before - she told me that the only way I was ever going to get out of there was to do exactly as she said - she wanted me and JP to do sexual stuff together all the while she was taking pictures - I was so scared - I didn't want to - JP didn't want to - but we did - or we'd get smacked (noise did not seem to make it from the basement outside) - all the while the camera was going - we masturbated each other - sucked each other - she even wanted us to fuck each other - JP refused to enter me - even after being beaten wildly - they tied him back to the rafter in the ceiling and had a pole with a base on it that they shoved in his butt - he was up on tippy-toes to keep from impaling himself on it - I was tied back to the bed and they dissapeared upstairs for a while - it was probably 30 minutes before she came back down again (by that time JP had grown tired of being up on tippy-toes and had slumped down hanging from the ropes - impaling himself on that stick and kind of passing out from exhaustion - I was so scared of what was going to happen to me)- something had changed in her when she came to me - her eyes were different - a look of deep evil like I'd seen many times in my own mothers eyes - she was strung out on drugs - she started trying to get me hard again - she wanted me to have sex with her - I'd already ejaculated multiple times with JP - my parts were tired and worn out - she got extremely mad when I couldn't get a decent erection - she grabbed me by the balls and dragged me off the bed - saying how I wasn't a "man" and how she was going to show me what my parts were good for - she dragged me to a corner of the basement where a old sewing machine was while never letting go of her grip - she grabbed 2 big needles from this tomatoe looking pincushion thing and shoved them straight into my balls - never before in my life had i felt anything like that - I had an instant rock-hard erection and I ejaculated with a force like I never had before - she smirked and said "I knew you had it in you" - then she pulled out the needles - a level of pain I cannot put words to - I know I almost fainted - i looked down and saw 2 streams of clear liquid shooting in an arc out of my sac - she laughed as she said that my balls were now "worthless deflated marbles" - I was once again tied to the bed and she dissapeared upstairs - it was a while before she came back down again with the man - they were discussing "what" to do with me - I pleaded and swore that I wouldn't tell a soul - the man did not seem to believe me - he grabbed my penis and put his cigarette out on the tip of it - again I think I might have blacked out for a moment in pain - the next thing I knew I was outside the house (yet somehow i remember him saying that if i ever told a soul he would find me and cut it off) - it was dark - I snuck down the railroad tracks back to my house - my parents were not even home yet from their bowling and night of drinking - I went straight to bed - got my clothes from the pond the next day - did not see JP for a few days - finally found him hiding in the abandoned pickle factory one day - he thought I would hate him so much for what had been done to me - I told him I did not hate him - told him he needed to run away from his folks - but he wouldn't do it - a few weeks later his family disappeared from town - I've never seen him again - my mind cannot help but think of the "what" happened to him - I don't think that the guy was his real dad - his mother did not work - not sure if they were even married - I cannot help but wonder about the pictures - I know JP said they traded them for drugs - I wish i knew their last name
I first remembered this happening to me by reading a post that SilenceNoMOre made back in 2020 (Removing my scar) where he talked about being burned on his penis as part of the abuse - it was like a lightbulb was switched on in my head and all of the memories came flooding back - not that I'd ever really "forgot" the scar - just had put it away in a "box" that remained unopened for many years
I've told a few people about what happened over the past few years but I never posted it here - why? - because I don't even know JP's last name - I don't even know if he's alive (though I doubt it from what I understand after talking to others about it) - but... it needs to be talked about - it's eating me alive inside holding it in - part of me is still scared as if I think it could happen to me again
I met JP in the spring of 1981 when I was 9 - I think he was close to my age - maybe a bit older (though he seemed younger because he was so skinny and small) - His family was in town because his Dad had a construction job - They rented an old house that should have been condemned - His parents were very deep into drugs - they did unspeakable things to JP and photographed them to trade for drugs - one time they did those things to me - shortly after that his dad's construction job was done and they moved on and I never saw JP again
The first time I ever met JP he was crying and hiding in the brush on the upper mill pond in the town I lived in because he had just been beaten - we seemed to form an instant bond through our mutual abuse histories - I fished that upper mill pond regularly as an escape from my own house and would meet him there as often as I could (he seemed to be able to escape when his mother was passed out from drugs and his dad was at work) - the rail road tracks going through the town cut the mill pond in half (I walked the tracks a lot - they went right past my house) - most people only ever fished the lower pond (which was a much bigger pond and had a park in it) - the upper pond was surrrounded by an old abondoned pickle factory and woods and hardly anyone ever went on that side - being that it was so secluded I convinced JP to go skinny dipping with me as a way to cool off his (and mine) wounds - we would lay on the bank in the tall grass to dry off afterwards and sometimes we would fall asleep for hours - after a few times I started bringing a jar of salve that I would put on the spots where he had been burned by cigarettes - this routine of meeting him at the pond went on for months and we would tell each other "everything" of what had happened to each other - nothing was off limits to discuss - we would look at the scars and marks on each others bodies and ask the story of how the scar came to be
One day in the early fall - I think it was a Friday - I met JP at the pond - we swam for a while and then crawled up in the tall grass and fell asleep - the next thing I knew was strong hands around my throat waking me up - telling me not to make a sound or I'd be dead - it was JP's dad - I had no idea how he'd found us there - he seemed mad - he grabbed us both with an iron grip on our arms and walked us naked down the tracks back to their house (didn't even let us grab our clothes - good thing the tracks are surrounded on both sides by fairly thick trees and brush - though I'm sure someone could have seen us at times - especially getting from the tracks to the house that was on the edge of an industrial area) (the only house I've ever been in that the flies flew out of the house to escape the smell as soon as you opened up the screen door) - I was taken downstairs to the musty basement and tied to the four corners of JP's bed - it seemed like hours before they brought JP down and tied him to a rafter in the basement ceiling - I could tell he'd been beaten - he was crying uncontrolably all the while trying to say how sorry he was to me - how they had forced him to tell them everything about me - a short while later his mother came down and started asking me tons of questions about the abuse from my own mother and the abuse from my uncle - seems like she knew everything I'd ever told JP - she even knew that I could ejaculate at the age of 9 which was something she was VERY interested in because JP couldn't yet - she had a camera - big and unlike any I'd ever seen before - she told me that the only way I was ever going to get out of there was to do exactly as she said - she wanted me and JP to do sexual stuff together all the while she was taking pictures - I was so scared - I didn't want to - JP didn't want to - but we did - or we'd get smacked (noise did not seem to make it from the basement outside) - all the while the camera was going - we masturbated each other - sucked each other - she even wanted us to fuck each other - JP refused to enter me - even after being beaten wildly - they tied him back to the rafter in the ceiling and had a pole with a base on it that they shoved in his butt - he was up on tippy-toes to keep from impaling himself on it - I was tied back to the bed and they dissapeared upstairs for a while - it was probably 30 minutes before she came back down again (by that time JP had grown tired of being up on tippy-toes and had slumped down hanging from the ropes - impaling himself on that stick and kind of passing out from exhaustion - I was so scared of what was going to happen to me)- something had changed in her when she came to me - her eyes were different - a look of deep evil like I'd seen many times in my own mothers eyes - she was strung out on drugs - she started trying to get me hard again - she wanted me to have sex with her - I'd already ejaculated multiple times with JP - my parts were tired and worn out - she got extremely mad when I couldn't get a decent erection - she grabbed me by the balls and dragged me off the bed - saying how I wasn't a "man" and how she was going to show me what my parts were good for - she dragged me to a corner of the basement where a old sewing machine was while never letting go of her grip - she grabbed 2 big needles from this tomatoe looking pincushion thing and shoved them straight into my balls - never before in my life had i felt anything like that - I had an instant rock-hard erection and I ejaculated with a force like I never had before - she smirked and said "I knew you had it in you" - then she pulled out the needles - a level of pain I cannot put words to - I know I almost fainted - i looked down and saw 2 streams of clear liquid shooting in an arc out of my sac - she laughed as she said that my balls were now "worthless deflated marbles" - I was once again tied to the bed and she dissapeared upstairs - it was a while before she came back down again with the man - they were discussing "what" to do with me - I pleaded and swore that I wouldn't tell a soul - the man did not seem to believe me - he grabbed my penis and put his cigarette out on the tip of it - again I think I might have blacked out for a moment in pain - the next thing I knew I was outside the house (yet somehow i remember him saying that if i ever told a soul he would find me and cut it off) - it was dark - I snuck down the railroad tracks back to my house - my parents were not even home yet from their bowling and night of drinking - I went straight to bed - got my clothes from the pond the next day - did not see JP for a few days - finally found him hiding in the abandoned pickle factory one day - he thought I would hate him so much for what had been done to me - I told him I did not hate him - told him he needed to run away from his folks - but he wouldn't do it - a few weeks later his family disappeared from town - I've never seen him again - my mind cannot help but think of the "what" happened to him - I don't think that the guy was his real dad - his mother did not work - not sure if they were even married - I cannot help but wonder about the pictures - I know JP said they traded them for drugs - I wish i knew their last name