MY first SA dream I think

MY first SA dream I think
I think that I had my first dream that was dealing with my SA effects.

I was somewhere with someone( its fuzzy sorry) and i think someone did something wrong because the cops were there and I went up to the cop and felt him up to insinuate that i would give myself to make up for the bad thing that was done. The cop kept trying to take me but I would not let him. I tried to fight very hard. In the dream I can remember feeling that compulsive feeling to go do it, then the feeling to fight it and the terrible shame. And you know what, I did. I fought it but I still feel odd. I woke upright before I could truly fight it maybe thats what it is. My roomate just walked in so ill finsih later
peace bros
MArk - from what I understand, people in uniform represent authority figures...this could be an adult, someone who is older than you, or someone that has shown some sort of control over you...sounds like your perp....just my opinion!

Best wishes & soothing dreams..Rik

Something went down in the dream that made you feel shame/guilt. That part is fuzzy. I had a similar circumstance in a dream that I had. The sa took place, but the emphasis wasn't on it. Later on I went up to someone that I respected or should have respect for and tried to explain the situation to them. From there are dreams differ widely, but I think I get the gist of yours.

The authority figure, the cop, represents someone who you should be able to trust, but you're not sure how to or if you can. That person is distant. All of your relationships have become sexualized. For anyone to help you, you need to see if they want you. That's the only way you can trust them. If they want you sexually you know that they're only helping you to get into your pants. Once you fondled the cop, he became turned on and tried to take you sexually. You did not want to be with him and that's why you resisted. You fought and fought.
Maybe you feel that you can't trust anyone, anymore.

Everywhere you turn you think people either want to screw or they don't. You're world, like mine, becomes a world of perpetual victimhood of sexalized interaction. Our boudaries have been erased so to speak. If they do want to screw you, then you believe that they can't be trusted. They want your body. Even if they don't, they can't be trusted because they must be lying or they're just helping you because they feel sorry for you. They just want to use you again. I hope this provided some insight.

Take it easy,
Dreams, it is hard, because it is hard to know if they represent something right or wrong. I have had really bad dreams, and wonder if they represent something real or if it is 'just a dream'. But, while you are dealing with all this stuff, it will carry over to dreams probably. I hope that it settles for you, but do not read too much in it. Sometime the dream is only that. Please take good care of yourself.
