MY first SA dream I think
I think that I had my first dream that was dealing with my SA effects.
I was somewhere with someone( its fuzzy sorry) and i think someone did something wrong because the cops were there and I went up to the cop and felt him up to insinuate that i would give myself to make up for the bad thing that was done. The cop kept trying to take me but I would not let him. I tried to fight very hard. In the dream I can remember feeling that compulsive feeling to go do it, then the feeling to fight it and the terrible shame. And you know what, I did. I fought it but I still feel odd. I woke upright before I could truly fight it maybe thats what it is. My roomate just walked in so ill finsih later
peace bros
I was somewhere with someone( its fuzzy sorry) and i think someone did something wrong because the cops were there and I went up to the cop and felt him up to insinuate that i would give myself to make up for the bad thing that was done. The cop kept trying to take me but I would not let him. I tried to fight very hard. In the dream I can remember feeling that compulsive feeling to go do it, then the feeling to fight it and the terrible shame. And you know what, I did. I fought it but I still feel odd. I woke upright before I could truly fight it maybe thats what it is. My roomate just walked in so ill finsih later
peace bros