My disclosure (light triggers)
A few days I posted a message about how i was abused by a scout leader a few years ago and needed help but wasn't ready to disclose to my parents. I called up one of those youth hotline you guys recommend and decided the best thing to do would be to simply tell my parents. I had a long, tearfull discussion with my mom + dad last night and feel like I have had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It's nice to be able to do stuff without constantly thinking about my past.
I have an appointment on monday with the DA. I know my perp has some child porn of me so hopefully he'll just plea guilty becasue I think testifying will be very hard on me. I'm in a different scout troop now since my parents moved so hopefully I can continue without everyone knowing about my past.
I read this site for about a year without posting anything and from the number of unregistered guests that are always listed as being here I know their must be alot of others doing the same. I know that at least some of them must be teens like me. I really encourage anyone in a similar situation to just take care of it. If you need help, just call one of the youth hotlines and the people there will give you some real good stratagies to disclose.
I have an appointment on monday with the DA. I know my perp has some child porn of me so hopefully he'll just plea guilty becasue I think testifying will be very hard on me. I'm in a different scout troop now since my parents moved so hopefully I can continue without everyone knowing about my past.
I read this site for about a year without posting anything and from the number of unregistered guests that are always listed as being here I know their must be alot of others doing the same. I know that at least some of them must be teens like me. I really encourage anyone in a similar situation to just take care of it. If you need help, just call one of the youth hotlines and the people there will give you some real good stratagies to disclose.