My Child Abuse

My Child Abuse


I am writing primarily because I have never been able to trust another male with my story. Due to the circumstances of my abuse, I have always remained silent and chosen not to bring attention to my past, hoping I would be able to overcome the thoughts and feelings which haunt me to this day just by moving forward and working toward a future. I now recognize I have a long road ahead of me to reach any sense of healing. Sharing with another male friend that I had been abused by an older male cousin from the age of 8 until I turned 13 was not an option becuase it made me feel like less of a man. The abuse caused me to feel disconnected and the whole ideal of a young boy growing up to be a masculine, strong, father and husband was crushed on the day of my first Communion. I could not interact with other boys as I feared I would be viewed as weird, homosexual, and even weak. I tended not to disclose any personal information, remove myself from situations where strong friendships were forming, and shy away from playing sports becuase I saw myself as less than everyone was. Not a real boy who deserved happiness, but a frightened, abused, burden of secrets. I missed out on my childhood because I was afraid to live.

Specifically, my abuser was from my mother's side of the family. Her sister had spawned both him and his brother 8 years apart. The predator was four years older than me. To say that the household he resided in was dysfunctional is an understatement. He lived with his grandmother who owned 30-35 cats, his violent mother, his diseased brother from another father, and his uncle who liked to "sleepwalk" naked throughout the house at different times. I will not provide any details or triggers at this precise time but I suffered for 5 years. Quiet, depressed, lonely, suicidal. Waiting for something to give, my spirit to break. The breaking point for me was during an episode of Oprah, she invited HIV/Aids patients on to her show to share their story. At the age of 13, and convinced that I was infected, I asked my aunt (from my father's side) to help me schedule an examination. The results came back negative, which I am so very grateful for, but asking for the exam came with the price of having to tell my immediate family what was going on. My father's solution was to make my abuser not exist. The final solution involved me going to court to testify against my cousin at the age of 13. While my other friends were worried about getting into high school, I was worried about having to face my abuser in the court of law- not an easy task for me to go through. My family split. There were some members who believed that I was lying and just seeked attention. The shy, quiet kid needed attention was what they felt. My mother's father and mother, and some odd of her brothers and sisters rejected me and said very hurtful things. I lost not only my innocence but any sense of support that a family provides. When push came to shove, he plead guilty and served time. He is now out of prison, his location is unknown to me.

The abuse has affected me tremendously. I cannot sleep alone in the dark (which is not fun explaining to my girlfriend), I have experienced anxiety attacks, awoken sweaty, screaming, and scared, and even have backed away from public speaking presentations due to loss of normal breathing, sweaty palms, and heavy anxiety. I have recently enlisted the help of a social worker who works with male abuse victims. I am trying to envision a better day, it is very hard sometimes. I hope by sharing some of my story with you, I will come to terms with what happened, and maybe even help others.
Welcome to MS. As you have probably read if you've been looking around the site, your story is all too familiar to us all. Glad you found us and I hope you're able to continue posting. That first post is, by far, the hardest. We've all been exactly where you are now...the guilt, shame, anxiety, the regrets, the name it. It certainly does not make you less of a man, in fact it shows how courageous and strong you are.

Welcome to the site, and thank you for sharing such a personal story. As Paul said, it is all too familiar to the majority here, but posting this shows a lot a courage, and a strong will to fight, for which I applaud you. Sorry that you have to be here, but welcome nonetheless, I look forward to walking this path to recovery along with you.


I'd like to add my voice of welcome and applaud you for taking the courageous step of speaking out and telling us your story. I know from experience how terrifying that can be. Thank-you. You'll find some really great men here who are working through the same thing you are. You are no longer alone. One of the hardest things for me to understand when I first started this journey was the fact that I was not to blame for any of it, and it's not your fault either, My Friend. Nothing regarding that whole situation was your fault. You innocence was stolen by the specter of of abuse, and now you've begun the healing journey. We're standing with you here shoulder to shoulder. Together we'll make it to the other side.

Lots of love,

I want to thank everyone, John, Cpt. ,Liam and Paul. Your replies to my story have made me feel received. Your thoughts are invaluable, and I appreciate you taking the time to pay mind to my story. I am trying to sort out my thoughts and I am grateful for the opportunity you have provided.

I spent some of last night really upset. It has proven difficult to relive some moments from long ago. I have flashbacks of being raped at the worst times. Is this normal? I work in Healthcare and the simple event of men scrubbing in for surgery bring on panic and anxiety. I want it to go away. It is my wish to be capable of functioning without fear or feeling secretive.

The memory of the house where it happened (grandmother's house) will not go away. Being forced into a locked, cockroach-infested bathroom for periods of time still disgusts me. I cannot step foot into a tiled bathroom or catch scent of an elderly perfume on the train without wanting to wretch. Im trying to figure out ways to remove these memories/triggers from my mind.

Thanks for listening, I hope you all are having a great day somewhere...J

You asked the question about flashbacks and panic/anxiety attacks. I've discovered that many of us have them. They can be debilitating at times. So in answer to your question; yes, for us who've experienced the horror's that we have it is very normal.

It is possible to move past these things so that they no longer control our lives. It takes a lot of hard work and most of us have found there is no progress at all until we are willing to seek the help of a professional counselor/therapist, or "T", who specializes in the area of sexual abuse of the male child. That was a hard one for me to swallow because in my mind taking that step meant I was nuts, crazy, one sandwich short of a picnic. Nothing could be further from the truth. The mark of a man in our case is one who is willing to admit he can't do it alone and needs help.

I don't recall if you stated in your post whether you are in therapy or not, but whatever the case please don't take offense at anything I said above. I'm saying it as much to myself as to anyone else here.

Wishing you the best of days as well.

Lots of love,


Welcome to Male Survivor! I'm glad that you found us!

Everything you have talked about is a very normal reaction to the terrible things that have happened to us. You are not alone! Please continue to post your thoughts; it really helps relieve the pressure and shame by letting it out.

Recovery is Possible!

Thanks so much, John and Brian. It is a relief to feel like I fit in here. From the start of my child abuse, until I came forward, I did not have much of a voice nor any confidence in my interaction with the world around me. It kind of carried over, the silence of keeping secrets, and I am trying my best to be as open as possible now with everyone here, a big change of pace...

For a very long time I felt like a loner, someone who walked his own path b/c no one understood me. To feel different, outside of the crowd, made me feel as if someone just "getting" me or knowing who I truly was, would never be possible. I grew up way too fast and feel old inside on occasion. Ive been told by many friends that i look forlorn and lost. Waiting for these feelings to go away, I now realize I need deep thought and therapy, living with secrets is making me sick inside. I get emotional for no rational reason. Not cool when you are at work or someone you do not know well.

I apologize for throwing random thoughts out here, I guess it's my version of free assoication. There were times I have been hit on by other dudes and I wondered if anyone else had ever had that happen to them? I wonder if my abuse has left some stain on me which gives off this signal that Ive had a man touch me before...I have not had any trouble with finding girlfriends but I am the object of afection for both sexes, it's made me feel weird b/c I wonder if I give this vibe off.

I went to lunch with my mother today and started to drift off into the past again. I went back to this time that I was physically hit by my grandmother and forced to stay in a locked bathroom with bunches of baby roaches swarming around my feet and a can of cat food. My abuser pretended to need to use the shower so he can come in the room and lock the door. I cant stand to be in any bathroom today.

I wanted to ask if anyone knows of any self-recovery process, something I can do to move forward wit healing. If anyone needs to talk as well, i'm here.

Have a good one,

Id like to welcome you also. Im sorry and saddened to hear of another young boys life that was hurt. Theres just far too many of us but theres also lots of us who are now older and recovering with the help of great friends here at MS.

I can only imagine that your mind must be swimming around in all directions each time you post and log on. I know this is very emotional stuff but it is also very healing and its a great release. There is great comfort knowing that others understand what you have been through and are feeling. Know that J. We understand. Post away!

You asked how you can move forward? Ive found, as have many, that theres lots of great books around that deal with male childhood sexual abuse. Theres a list of books at the top menu of this site. The list used to be bigger, but once you get to youll see links to other similar books.

Thats one good way to move forward. Many others, myself included, have also found that seeing a therapist (a T) who specialises in male childhood sexual abuse is also highly beneficial. Youre lucky being in a big city like NY and being in the states. You have many options. Im from Australia so I cant recommend anybody local to you but Im sure others here on the site can.

Good to meet you J, and I look forward to getting to know you more.
J I used to get 'hit on' by lads a lot and I didn't know how to deal with it either. My method of coping with all of that has been to move to the bush and isolate myself from society and it's working for me.

I too wonder if I give off a used vibe, even though my abuse was mainly by women. I think being young fit and submissive is probably the simplest explanation, that and the fact that abused people do seem to find themselves in abusinve situations a hell of a lot more than anyone else.

I also relate to your experiences regarding family violence and alienation, and I reccommend a series that others here have also reccommended: A Boy Called IT (et al). It's not the best read, granted, but it is a true story of intense abuse similar to your own. I'd advise you get a good shrink first though, as it WILL trigger you off in a big way: I had to put it down for 3 weeks halfway through because I was so devastated.

Also I got great value from the films Antwone Fisher and Mysterious Skin. And I am pondering hiring Bad Education: but be warned they're all quite full on.

One more good book is The Power Of One by Bryce Courtney (the book, NOT the film). It's fiction but unlike 'It' it's well written and less obviously manipulative.

I hope this helps somewhat.
Grunty and Ash, your advice means alot to me, Ive felt alone and disconnected most of my life, even surrounded by friends, and I'm indebted to you for taking the time to read my story. I'm stoked to watch the movies and read the books recommended, I feel like I have alot I could learn.

I covered a second session last night with an extremely emotionally intelligent social worker who works with abuse victims. I do admit I was hesitant to get right into the details with her the first time we met, she was a complete stranger. Buut last night, I just dove in, and relived horrible moments of my past. It hurt me tremendously but I also discovered alot about my family and myself that I never paid attention to before.

I started to describe one of the nightmares I had lately. I was walking thru this amusement park, well, maybe not a theme park, but maybe a feast or festival? The place didnt have rides, it just had the usual water balloon and baseball games and snack stands. This place made me scared and all I knew was that I had to cross the park to where safety was on the other side.

In order to reach the other end, I had to walk over these wooden planks which I knew were not safe. On the lft side of each plank, my cousin (abuser) was there waiting for me, to kill me. Underneath the planks, there was a mix of solid dirt/mud, and grass, I now realize that if I had steped of the planks to run, I wouldnt have fallen 100n stories down, but while I was in the nightmare, I thought I would die if I left the wooden semi-bridge. I hurried to get past the first plank, feeling that if I made it past the scumbag, I would succeed.As soon as I passed the first plank, he reappeared to the left of the second plank, I could not escape. him. The place was covered in dead rats and I actually smelled the aroma of a dead mouse, it was sulfuric, something decomposing, horrible smell. I began to no use b/che just kept on coming back. He chased me into this tunnelin which I realized my boss had orchestrated this whole theme park type arena to see me fail, weird, probably work anxiety ha ha

Anyway, I felt like a moron for not using the solid ground to get where I wanted to be when my therapist brought up a point.. she asked for me to think, she said "suposedly there was solid ground, supposedly you could trust the adults in your life when you were little, supposedly you were being raped right under your grandmother'snose and she supposedly didnt know about it", and right there it clicked.

The house was so dysfunctional I now realize that my grandmother must have known about the abuse. She was a hawk, she knew where I was at every moment. If I dropped water or juice on the floor, within an instant, I was beaten and locked up. How could she not have known nfor 5 years that I was being assaulted in her house? She's filthy and has since passed away, but I now know tha she knew and did nothing. I'm not sure how children are supposed to raise the adults in their life and why some good children are brought into this world to experience true evil. I am sure , however, that true evil exists, and it existed in that family.

Thanks peeps, for listening. Sorry if my thoughts were incoherent.

ANother question I had was if anyone felt their body was never good enough, or no matter how hard you worked out, you feel gross, and feel ugly. I feel that way today. In the past I have stopped eating for a while, until family and friends say something, and then Ill continue to eat again. It might sound crazy, but I feel good when I nfeel i look my best/skinnier than usual.

I hope you guys r doing great today, speak to you soon, later ...J