mood..good to bad , thnx dan

mood..good to bad , thnx dan
Today, i was in a very good mood, excited about seeking a T. and I came on, and after some conversation with a memeber, I heard some very hurtfull things about me. Rumors so to say. Sayin that i had something to do with Brian-z leaving. And making some very HURTFULL assumptions about me and a EX-member. I do NOT appreciate this kind of treatment. I URGE a moderator or a admin to review recent chat history. and if u wish I have some materail showing the RUDE things said. I am extremely upset about this and hope to have some action/ resolution on the matter.
I would like to say that I still am upset about what happend, but I have talked to msadmin and that has helped, we/they are currently working things out. -Keith
Hi again Keith,

You are a sharp young man. You did all the right things. You let your feelings be made known, and you contacted the Admin MS to get some help and advice.

Sometimes people talk without knowing the facts. That is a sure way to hurt people. I hope that you just focus on your recovery and talk with the people who treat you with respect. You can block out messages from people who hurt or offend you.

Thanks for being a part of us Keith.
