mondays homework

mondays homework


OK i have been bashing this question around all nite. maybe you guys can help.

Had pdoc (psychiatrist or prescribing doc) appt yesterday & go back 2 more times this wk. and get this i got homework. Need to answer this question: why are you here? Marc has refrased this question to: what do you expect to gain from seeing the doc. i laff and joke that im only going to get out of the hosp but i really do need to think about this seriously to get the most out of it.

:confused: What do you guys think..
why are you here? Marc has refrased this question to: what do you expect to gain from seeing the doc. Al you and I have a great deal in common except our age. I think at 62 I am way older than you. I too had to answer the same question in the beginning. My answer would have been give me a pill or remove the memories so I can go on with living. Of course that was not the reason but it seemed to be all I wanted

Next it was Why did it happen to me. What did I do wrong, Why do I feel like I deserve it, Why cant I be normal. Why am I so dself destructive.
That was wrong too

I think the real reason for me was and is as follows.

How can I heal. Help me come to grips with my past. Help me to understand my self destructive behavior. Help me to not respond to a situation or trigger that instantly hot wires me to my past. Help me look in the mirror and like the person I see reflected. Help me to channel my anger in the right direction.

There may be other things but that is what the question now means to me. Al I am glad to see you back. Say hello to Marc for me.

I know where you are coming from BROTHER. I truly do. It is not easy dealing with some isuesbut you have the stuff to do it with I know you do. Remember we YOU/AND/I are survivors

Additionally we have strong and loving partners who obviously see what makes us unigue and worthy of their attention, even if we cannot.

If you want send me a PM or an email. We are in this together BROTHER
I still want the pill to remove the memories. :( Sign me up for a bottle of those.
Good luck with your pdoc Al.
I know from experience that it is not always an easy question to answer but it is an important one. You may want to put yourself in a world for a moment that lets you dream about what you want out of your life or if this wasn't there, what would be the most important and critical to you. Write things down that seem to of interest to you and see if you can't use all of these things to help answer the question.

Or maybe just look at trying to answer it as if you could just look beyond the tree that may be in your way and see all the parts of the forest, what would the forest look like?

Just trying to give you some ways to think about it or look at it, but it is an important question. Of course there are no wrong answers either, everything you come up with is valid and worth of your response.

I would love to know what you come up with and would be honored if you are able to share this.


why are you here?
"Because where I've been is so fucking horrible !"

At my first appointment with my therapist, he asked me the same question. He asked, "Why are you here? What do you expect from me?"

I said, "Doc, I heard you had a magic wand that you could wave over my head and make everything ok."

He answered, "Well, that's right. I do have a magic wand, but it is broken right now, so we'll have to work on other ways of making you better."

Too, bad! I really wanted to be fixed up instantaneously, but I guess recovery and healing do not really work that way.

Recovery takes a desire to get better, Faith that with the help of a Higher Power we can get better, a will to continue with it especially when you feel like giving up, and the discipline to make all your appointments and complete all the assignments you are given. We all can "get better", I am convinced of this. Mostly, it takes Faith that God wants us to recovery and to heal. None of this was our fault and God does not condemn us for any of it. His love will see us through and will give us the strength to continue during those times we feel most weak.

Along with all the above, please be sure to sign me up for that "magic pill", too, if anyone ever really finds one.

Al- Why are you here?
Because where I've been is so fucking horrible.
Right on!!!!!!

My hubby answered that question, but I do not know what his answer was. Ask him. MrEdd.
MrEdd is starting therapy.FINALLY!!!!
All I know is I had to get to the point where I could tell my doctors why I was there, what I wanted. So first I had to figure out who am I & what do I want. Now I tell my doctors what I want.
They are there to advise & treat for recovery in my life not run my life for me. They don't like it plenty more out there. I'm fortunate to have doctors who like it, who listen to & respect me. As a result I listen to & respect them. A darned good arrangement I'd say!

MrEdd: WTG on starting therapy! :cool:
