
i got a email from
my fat ugly stupid piece of
shit stepbrothr and its
PISSING ME OFF an i dont
know wat to do with it
i wanna ansr it back.
or realy i wanna print it
and go ovr there and make
him eat it and hope he
fucking chokes on it :mad:
Wanna get back at him? I have an idea. Tell me what you think of it. Ok?

Make a Public Announcment letter. Make it in the form of a "Most Wanted" letter that you would see in a Post Office. You know what I'm talking about right?

Do you have a picture of him? Make a Word Docmunet in large letter size saying "Wanted for Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree"

Then go into a description of what he did. "(name of your perp)" is wanted for:

Sodomy (against a minor)
Aggravated Sodomy (against a minor)
Statutory Rape
Child Molestation
Enticing a child for indecent purposes

Paste his picture on the letter, then type up his address and phone #, then send it to him. Then tell him that you made a hundred copies of it and tell to shut his fat ass up!!!
i love that idea but
if i do something
like that. hes gonna
come aftr me
Are you REALLY afraid of him? Ask your T to help you get a PPO (personal protection order) against him.

Trev, you have plenty of anger, but I see this as a safe way to channel it.

Why does your T not want you to take this to the police anyway?

I take it he's a lot bigger than you?
NO im not afraid of Anybody O K?
um just trying to not start anymore
shit w him cuz i always usd to
before an its not just him its his
friends to. just trying to
stay away from trouble. thats wat
evrybody wants. for me to not
get in anymore troble. if i do
that hes gonna come aftr me w his
friends and im not gonna just let
him do that ill fucking kill him
b4 he does shit to me again :mad:
the therapist DOES want me to go
to the cops. IM the one who
doesnt wanna go there.
ya hes alot biggr then me
but no im not afraid of that
stupid fuck
I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel this way, but from what I know of this 16yo named Trevor from Rhode Island, I can't imagine him being emarassed at a trial from having to describe what was done to him. (Is that what's stopping you?)

But I could see Trevor staring at his fat perp stepbrother the whole time, staring at him in anger, and using his anger to damepen any feelings of fear or trepidation. I can see Trevor having power of his step brother, because he's too damned angry to be embarassed! Go to the cops Trev, make him pay!!!
i recall a moment in time when i found out a former perp...the main one actually, was living not one hour or so from me. i became so enraged that i was actually going to go hunt him down. how dare this peice of shit violate me yet again!!!!! and i came here. i was able to vent the rage, that murderous rage in this safe place. then i was able to feel safe again in my own self.

trevor, the very most important thing at this point is to feel truly safe, as much as possible. that is the only decision worth pursuing at this moment because of the violation that email caused. nothing else matters at his mooment but that you feel safe. not even the decision to go or not go to the police. i made one decision and one decision only that time ago when i wanted to kill...i found a place where i was safe. for me, that was here. i am here if you need me.

It's good to see you back. On provoking your step-brother, I'm not so sure I would do that. Confrontation takes a lot of energy and should be pursued only if you know how it will go and where it will end, and if you have good local support. Otherwise, for the time being, I would suggest concentrating on keeping safe as you work on things.

If your step-brother is hassling you with emails, just block him or divert his emails to your trash folder. He's not worth it!

Much love,
Hey Trevor...remember that delightfully well-mannered letter you "wrote to your mother" that you posted here? Write a letter to your stepbrother as well, and post it here. You can't tell me it didn't feel good to let all that out.

Come on, you know you want to.

What a great idea!!! :)

Trev, I hope you will go for it. It will be a great way to let out exactly what you feel in a safe way.

And everyone else, get out your fireproof clothing. ;)

Much love,
I'm having second thoughts about my suggestion in light of what Larry said.

Confrontation requires support and planning, something I didn't really give a lot of thought about, sorry Trev.

I'm inclined to agree with Larry because of a recent experience of another teenager here at MS that told on his perp, and wasn't prepared for what happened next, (it was violent).
i cant rite a lettr like
that rite now. i dont
feel angry now i feel
an hopeless an worthliss
Hi Trev,

Is there anything in particular happening right now that makes you feel that way, or just things in general?

Much love,
Some days are like that. Sometimes everything seems to be hitting us all at once. I used to describe that to my T as the "emotional hurricane". It left me feeling defenseless and worthless, and worst of all I think: alone.

When I got like that I found it helped me to get up and find something to do. Anything really. The idea was just to give my mind something else to chew on.

And if that doesn't work, there's the tried and true strategy I told you about before. Just declare Tuesday as another "Oh fuck it all" day. ;)

I'm not sure that will help, but at least you won't be doing it alone. :)

Much love,
Trevor, whatever you do...don't live like this! Don't let others have such control over your feelings. You release it however you feel you need to, but release it. We're all here for you.