Momma's boy, Daddy's girl

Momma's boy, Daddy's girl

Sean Simms

I had an amazing insight today on some of the emotional abuse I went through from my parents. I realize that I have always had feelings that women were better then men and that I would have been better off if I was born a girl because my dad liked my sister more than me. She wasn't even his biological child but he spent more time with her and even today he won't even give me his phone number while he calls her and even visits her but not me.

I've always felt that by being a girl I would have been better in his eyes. My mom was my abuser and so I thought by being a boy I was doing something wrong. Anyone go through a similiar situation with a sibling?
Absolutely Sean-. In my case my dad really bonded to my older sister when she was born. This posed competition with my mother, so my mother 'stole' me from my dad and raised me as the daughter she never had. She also became emotionally and to some extent sexually abusive to me. In the end, my sister ended up a tom boy (and for all intents and purposes a whore) and (for whatever reason)I am gay. My mom would spill out her woes to me about how bad my dad was and sort of made me her husband. Because of this, I have made several vows never to be like my father (or other men) no matter what.

Hi Sean,

I do hope your ok and you need to know that who you are is totally acceptable. Damn confusing what happens to us. Love yourself, you certainly deserve it. Just keep working on you !!!!!!


I feel for you. I am the baby of 8 girls and as far as I can tell I am the only one who was abused by my step father. He would at times make me dress as a girl. I couldn't tell you the number of times I heard "You'll make someone a great wife one day." Talk about growing up confused over what and who I am. I played the role of "hostess" when ever we had company over too the house. So yeah...feeling as if boys are somehow broken and women are better yep been there done that...heck I still do it for that matter. I am more at ease with women...just one of the girls. :(

Sean, I think it happens in most homes, but hey, it hits hard sometimes.
My sister was never beaten, but I would be, often for things I didnt do.

I always wished that I was a girl, sometimes so that I did not always have to be strong.
When you are a kid, you want to play in abandon, but life was always some sort of fight.

In some ways it still is, but I can cope in the end.
Parents should realize that boys have at least the same emotional needs as girls, if not more.

Society reflects it in judgements against men versus women, we get the short straw,
