Mindset of an abuser
Clapton Fan
The latest postings from Mr. King [a convicted sex offender. edit MSAdmin]
And all that was left was hope.How wonderful to see the MAIL ON SUNDAY at the front of a campaign that society should no longer dictate who we fall in love with. Their exclusive PUPPY LOVE spread on the runaway children illustrates their positive and romantic feature with that sweet holiday snap of the semi naked l5 year old boy and his semi naked 12 year old girlfriend, cupping her left breast with his right hand - a photo that would not be out of place, I suspect, on the Operation Ore website so beloved of serving police officers, against whom serious allegations by 13 year old girls were considered "tainted by the publicity of his arrest", an excuse the CPS did not accept in my case.
Does this mean we'll soon see beach shots of a 13 year old boy fondly groping his 12 year old boyfriend's genitals in the near future? Can their supportive copy, mentioning that the 12 year old girl "could pass for 16", indicate positive coverage of the upcoming trial of the 46 year old man who went to Scotland with his 14 year old girlfriend? After all, 80 year old men can legally wed 16 year olds.
It's clearly not the act that is wrong - unlike murder or mugging or robbery or violence, where a guilty 15 year old is as bad as a 50 year old. It's the gender and the age which prevents such behaviour being "reassuringly innocent", as the Mail on Sunday calls it.
PSerhaps this refreshing new perspective will stop the tabloids describing me as a "vile pop pervert" and see me as a young man (then) who developed healthy, happy and consensual friendships with teenagers.
Or then again, perhaps not.