I didn't see the Jackson interview in it's entirety, I'm just not that interested in him. I have seen parts of it here and there. In what I have seen, I felt a great pang of sympathy for him.
This man should not be around children, let alone rasing them. For his own good. But, sadly I don't think that there is going to be anyone willing to tell or make him change his ways.
I think it's clear that he has very poor judgement in regards to children, but I'm not going to speculate about his reasons for sleeping with other peoples kids. What ever his reasons it shows a real lack of forethought, why open your self up like that. I don't know if his kids are in danger of long term harm or not, but I think he is.
Society's first concern must be the health and welfare of his or any children. But I for one think we need to show a little compassion for this man, unless there is clear evidence showing him to be a perp.