Memory erasure

Memory erasure


I need opinions on this. Today after I got off the telephone with an attorney I was very angry and one of the options I considered was finding a way to erase every bit of what happnened to me out of my conscious and subconscious mind. I need to know what you gentlemen think about a step of this kind.
To be honest, I don't think I would erase all of the memories, even if I could. The memories still have a bit of venom, but they help make up who I am. The abuse has helped form my personality, both for the good and bad. Yet, wihtout these memories, I would not be me. I am just now learning how to like me.

I do wish the abuse never happened, but wishing will never take it away. I am learning to accept all my past and prepare for my future. I think that embracing the past, the pain and the joy, is the only way to become whole.

So, in a nutshell, I would not erase the memories from my mind. They inspire me to push myself, and they will help me to find my place in the world. I hope this makes sense, as I am sleep deprived and am getting ready to call it a night. Peace be with you, my brother.
Originally posted by jdr1980:
I need opinions on this. Today after I got off the telephone with an attorney I was very angry and one of the options I considered was finding a way to erase every bit of what happnened to me out of my conscious and subconscious mind. I need to know what you gentlemen think about a step of this kind.
Scientists still have no ready answers to the question of "What exactly is a memory?" We have no way of errasing or adding a memory, only of distorting a memory....

I would not want to errase anything: I am sad about the past, yet, the past brought me to who/what/were I am as a person. Changing the past would make me, a different me! That me may well be a worse (or a better) person than the one I am....

I would like to erase a lot of things from my mind, if possible. I wouldn't care really much if this process would change me as a person. But this is not possible, I only find way to repress memories and this is the most wrong way of dealing with problems of this kind. You need to find way to deal with memories there is no other option.
I agree, we need to explore where in our lives, the hurt really lies, you cannot erase a memory, only suggest to it, which can be very harmful indeed. I have found many articles on this topic, and seen the results of suggestive memory under hypnosis. It's a bit like mind control and can have devastating results.

Try to go back and remember good times, to outweigh the crap, take up hobbies, or break old habits that make you feel bad, I like walking and riding, no matter what the weather, it keeps my mind at ease, and keeps me fit.
Our character and being, we are an amalgam of our memories and history. Yes, we all have memories from hell. Yes, we all have shit in our past. But that, as well as the good, makes us who we are. I am learning to like and appreciate who I am. I wouldn't want to change. I hope you can learn to appreciate the man who grew from the memories.
