meeting with the church trustees

meeting with the church trustees


On friday i am meeting with the parish trutees on my 40 year old sexual abuse issue and don,t know what to except., Will they seek out the truth or just try to cover their ass. 40 years ago, at the age of 12 I became Fathers special boy for the day. After serving Sat. morring mass father R ask me to help him move some boxes in the basement . Little did I know that would change my life forever.
After a short time Father cornored me and tried to get my pants off as he foundaled me . I told him NO STop this .
I need this ,God wants you to do this for me.,was his repley.
God wants me to let this man rape me ? I let my guard down and the next thing I knew he was inside me. I knew that MY GOD didn,t want me to let him do this so I began to push him off. Father didn,t like that so he tortured me by grabing my testicles and crushing the life out of them . To this day my right side is that of a 12 year old boy, I am half man half boy.
Well my GOD helped me and I was able to get lose and run from him, never to be an alter boy again. After a few weeks I told on him, but ever one talked me in to not going to the police.
I went before the church trutees instead and told my story but they put me on trial and not Father R. In the end they said my story wasn,t beliveable and did nolthing to Father.
So now 40 years later I go before the church trustees and don,t know what to think.
Will they seek the truth or just cover their ass.?
I worry that if I get no where with them it will send me into a deep depression.
I need to move forward with this for my healing but it may be a big blackhole I walking into.
I know I have you guys at my side and I feel great power from that .THANK Muldoon

It's a brave and powerful thing you are doing.

It doesn't really matter what they do. What matters is that you tell them and bear witness to the truth.

Tell them, and if they don't seem to be understanding or listening, Stand up, and tell them again, exactly, what was done to you.

You can be sure that in today's climate, with the truth being told in the papers every day, you will at least help to protect today's children.

I thank you for doing this. Stay strong.

Like you I told the adults in charge about what happened, and like you I wasn't believed.
And I hate the headmaster more than those who abused me, he was condoning what they did and allowed it to continue for 4 years.

But these are different times, and people are more aware - especially the media who will crucify anyone involved in a cover up.
Maybe because it's been so long ago it will be very difficult to take any action against your abuser. But I think you'll be belived, and that is sometimes enough to make us feel a whole lot better.

I admire your courage in doing this, good luck.

Thank you for speaking out. We just have to do more of this.

Whether the trustees believe you or not, you are again breaking the sileence. It is so incredible that people did not believe you 40 years ago. How the heck does a kid make up a story like that?

If this priest is still alive he needs to be made to resign and stay away from kids. God bless you on this good work.

Thanks for your input guys, Father R died in 1965. I think I stopped him from going after new kids but he had many willing boys he most likley continued to abuse. I broke the silence May 10 in a meeting with the archdiocese and they have been paying for my threapy. I know there are many more victums out there in our parish. I want the church to put an announsement in the church paper so others can break the silence and begin their healing. Guess I will find out in the morring . Muldoon