Media ignorance

Media ignorance


I have just got in from work and picked up a copy of my daily newspaper: Daily Mail.

One of the columnists has written an article, based around how everyone is currently reacting against common sense, when it comes down to who may or may not be a peadophile.

His initial reason for writing the column, was due to the fact that he was due to have some appliances serviced by the gasboard (utilities). 2 workmen arrived to carry out the work whilst his wife and 15 year old son were in the house alone. His son was in bed, in the room that contained the gas boiler that required servicing. He wife was about to leave the house for some reason, and leave her 15 year old son in his bed, with the 2 men in the house. She told them just to ignore him and do the work regardless. They asked how old he was and then responded that they were not allowed to work in the house alone with a child under sixteen.

The columnist thought that was ludicrous. He also thought that it was ludicrous that grandmothers among others should be vetted before working with children. It personally costs them between 7 and 30 to be vetted, with a wait of up ot 4 weeks to be approved.

He asks the question - 'do ministers honestly believe that respectable grandmothers like her will indecently assault a child?'

I had to respond, as his ignorance was blinding! I sent the following e-mail:

I was as brief as possible - some of you may recognise yourselves from my comments. I hope that doesn't upset anyone, but he really needs educating. Most of my comments were from memory of what I have learned over the years, they do not identify anyone directly

Re: Tom Utley column Friday 27/10/06: My teenage son, a visit from the gasman and the death of British common sense.

If printed, please print as name and address supplied.

Tom Utley thinks that we are over reacting in this country as to who may commit paedophilic activities. Every gasman, every loving grandmother is safe around children in his eyes.

I think he should spend time with The NSPCC / Child Line / The Samaritans / MIND and local abuse survivors support groups maybe he should donate his fee for his column to the stated groups, as his ignorance is blinding.

I know a man who was groomed by his own father from the age of 2 onwards as nothing more than a sexual toy. I know another man who used to do a newspaper distribution round with a man that he trusted greatly when he was 10 years old. The same man raped him in the back of the delivery van and then subsequently passed him around his paedophile friends for more of the same. I know a man that was abused (as were many others) by a man who has a very high profile in the media. The abuser was convicted but still promotes himself as a saviour of young boys rather than someone that has caused serious mental harm to many. I know a man whos step father used to invite friends around to play cards and drink. When they became bored of card games, they turned to him as a 7 years onwards boy for a different kind of entertainment. I know of several men who as boys were used as surrogate husbands. I know of a young man who has recently been into rehab as he was addicted to crystal meths due to abuse. I know of someone who was severly raped and beaten by his step father, that most of his bones were broken in addition to severe internal and anal injuries. The boy abused by a priest who crushed his testicles (both now removed). He spoke up, and the church covered it up. I have no doubt that you can find cases where exactly the same events have occurred with girls growing up.

I can tell of many men who were abused by upright citizens of the local communities they lived in. I am a member of a group of 3600 such men (the number increases daily) they were abused by Mothers / Fathers / Priests / Delivery Men / Grandparents you name it paedophiles can be anyone within society.

I recently convicted the paedophile that groomed and abused me. When my friends saw him in court, they said he could be anyone they expected him to be some unwashed, greasy, slimey old man, but they are just the ones that get their pictures in the media. In reality most do not look like that.

It is sad that some people may appear to require unnecessary checks to deem whether or not they are suitable to work with children. I would rather unnecessary checks were carried out, than another mind was broken.

People think that survivors should just get over the abuse, as in most cases the sexual aspect does not appear to be that bad. It is the total betrayal of a childs innocence that causes the real problems, that last for all of our lives.

I could go on, but Tom Utley should think himself lucky that people do try to prevent child abuse. I am pleased that he does not have a moody, withdrawn son that lives his life in false shame because a responsible adult did not get the opportunity to destroy him. Its a shame that someone like Tom, along with other members of the media do not take this issue seriously enough. The majority of people within the media should hang their heads in shame, as they are concerned more with titillation than real journalism. I make the same comment about the judiciary, who are more concerned about our overflowing prisons than giving real sentences. Paedophiles should be in fear of the sentences that they receive for destroying the most precious gift of all - childhood

Tom I am sorry that your wife and son were inconvenienced, but I am pleased that you did not experience the real inconvenience and heartbreak that could have occurred.

Tom quotes that: Josie Appleton (who disagrees with vetting) says that Vetting teaches children to be suspicious of all adults and beureaucratises informal relationships. What a load of absolute bullshit how many children sit on vetting panels? None I would think how would they even know that a vetting process takes place. I am always suspicious of those who disagree with vetting procedures! I wonder if they themselves have ulterior motives.

The people I speak of, are from many countries throughout the world. Many of the survivors suffer from medical and/or continuous psychological problems. Some are addicts, some are broken people, others are outwardly successful. They are the greatest group of men on the planet, although most would not say that of themselves! We practically all have one thing in common we can never really trust anyone.

Paedophiles may not actually directly kill that many people, but they kill many minds.

End of sermon

I hope this does actually manage to educate at least one 'journalist' - somehow I doubt it!

Best wishes ...Rik

