


I'm running out of ideas. I've kept some things to myself even with you guys but I'm trying one last attempt to help myself with any kind of support or therapy. If telling the absolute worst truths about my life, with my T and my only support group, does not work, then I'm not going to try anymore. I'm tired of nothing working! I bring this up for 2 main reasons:

1. I'm hoping, that by exposing this as the truth, that I will minimize it's power over me.

2. That others that come here trying to address the same issues will know that they're not alone.

So here I go................................

Demons are Real

I was sexually molested when I was 9 years old in the summer of 78 between 3rd and 4th grade by my older brothers friend. This story can be read here:;f=1;t=006326

I have since come to realize that although the first time I was violated was a big deal, the one that happened later was a much more profound thing to have happened to me. (I was molested 2 different times, two different places, two different perps, and I was 9 and 11 respectively). My first perp was 25 at the time and my 2ond perp was 3 years older than me.

When I was 11, I was at my friends house, we were practicing throwing knives at a dart board in his basement and one of them bounced off and hit me but didnt cut me. Dave suggested that I take my shirt off to see if I was hurt. I told him I was fine and I resumed throwing more knives and then after some minutes later Dave pushed me on his bed and I started giggling what are you doing? And he just had this blank look on his face then when I started to get up he pushed me down again and when I looked up at him had had his pants down and his penis sticking out like he was going to so something with it. I was like Im outa here and I started to move but he, being much bigger and older, twisted my body around and pulled my pants down and started to try to penetrate me. I was like great, not again and all of a sudden I started, for the very first time in my life, having sexual arousal. I froze. I did not try to stop him. He noticed this as well, for he reached around feeling me and saying See you like it. His voice was all excited and pumped with adrenaline and excitement I suppose. I froze. I not only didnt try to stop him I had a curiosity too I guess, although I didnt like not being in control at all I guess. I was going to let him enter me but he got frustrated trying to do it and finished himself off as I got up and dressed myself. To this day, I CANT remember what happened for the rest of that day or even that time period, the summer between 5th and 6th grade.

As 6th grade had come around my grades starting going downhill and I was totally sexually confused. All of the boys were talking about girls and I was looking at boys. To this day I have NO idea if, were I to have been left alone and had a chance to grow up normal, I would not have any sexual identity issues. At this point I had not even learned how to masturbate yet.

When the following summer rolled around, I was becoming more sexually curious. A childhood friend named Jack would come around once in a while with his younger brother named Gordon who was 6 years old. Jack was 10, 2 years younger than me. We would play in our underground forts that we had built in a vacant lot behind my Dads house and I had talked Jack and his brother into exposing themselves in front of me. Jesus I asked Jack to do something to his younger brother, and Jack was like ok and then Gordon didnt want to and Jack started pulling his younger brothers clothes off and (I will never ever forget this look) then Gordon looked at me like What is happening? Please make him stop. I instantly said Hey dont make him do what he doesnt want to do. Jack stopped. And I pray that I didnt fuck up their natural upbringing by what I started. I instigated that whole thing and I feel like shit for it. I was older and I had learned to manipulate.

When I started 7th grade. I remember sitting in the movie theatre with my Dad watching "Taps", a movie about a military school being closed down. Anyway, in the movie there is a shower scene. I remember for the first time being turned on by something visual. In 7th grade......Jesus. Well my main point is that it wasn't Sean Penn or the older guys I was looking at, it was the younger ones..........yes that's what I said. I remember sitting in that theatre with all these issues and choosing not to talk about it. Maybe, if the very first time that I had tried to talk about what happened to me to my brother and my friend Dave, that they didnt LAUGH and MAKE FUN OF ME for having brought it up, that I might have had the courage to go to my Dad and tell him that I was having problems. But I chose the path of silence after being laughed at. That silence has led me to where Im at today.

In the winter of 81 82, Jack and Gordon and his family moved away, and I made a new friend. His name was Greg, we were both in 7th grade. We were just friends. I would visit him at his house after school sometimes. He had a younger brother named Jeff that we would often come around our part of the house just because he had not made any friends yet since their family was new to the area. For whatever reason I started wrestling with Jeff and I started feeling curious/aroused and started feeling him and he IMMEDIATELY said Dont. I froze. I mean, I acted like it was an accident or whatever but inside I was like, What the fuck am I doing? I mean, I wanted to do it but I also felt like it was very wrong. I was beginning to hate myself.


About this time the dreams started. I dont have them all the time but they happen often enough. Ive shared this fact with my T and a couple of trusted friends at MS, they say theyre nightmares and I just dont know it. My problem with calling my dreams nightmares is that, well, in my dreams, Im in control and Im never afraid. All of the stories you may have heard of someone forcing himself on a younger/defensless person, well Ive done it in my dreams. I dont ask for them, but yes I do get off sexually when I do. The first wet dream I ever had was of having sex with a younger boy. These dreams have been with me since I was like 13.

Life continues:

Many different times I looked for someone else that I found attractive in high school, but it was not to be. Im as alone now as when I was a boy looking for the attentions of an older male.

As 8th grade came around I was the only gay person in school, although not openly. I never once hooked up with anyone in High School or had a healthy intimate relationship with anyone. I dated a few times. I love the touch and smell and feel of a woman, but they dont do anything for me visually.

As 11th grade rolled around, I started hanging out with the stoners, some of which I was extremely attracted to. But none of them were gay so I just hung out with them and didnt try anything, although I REALLY wanted to. Once of them was named Chris. I would used any excuse to hang out with him. He was a passionate hunter, and so I picked up on hunting too. One day, Chris became another statistic when I accidentally discharged 20-gage birdshot towards him, grazing his head. He suffered a loss of a patch of hair and minor paralysis in his lower left leg. If I did not have ulterior motives for being his friend, he never would have been hurt. I started to believe that I was a bad person.

When I turned 20 I was working dead-end pizza jobs. I would frequent an arcade to play pinball with one of my stoner friends or by myself. At this arcade I met a 15yo named Dennis. I was attracted to him. He lived with his grandparents who doubled as his foster parents because his parents were killed in an airplane some years back. He was lonely and vulnerable. I did have a lot in common with him except for one important difference, namely, I was thinking about trying something with him. I remember one day making a choice, and it was the right one but I still dont feel good about it, there is nothing to feel good about anything in my life, but I digress. I simply stopped coming over. Cold. I could not see him anymore. The temptation was too great and I just wasnt gonna go there. At this point Im really feeling like shit about myself and my sexual proclivities. I remember Dennis coming into the arcade some days later after I stopped coming over and asking whats up? Why dont you stop over anymore? I replied Oh Ive been really busy and stuff. I blew him off on the outside, but inside I was afraid of myself and what I might try to do.

About this same time I dated the only girl in my life that lasted more than a month. Her name was Kelly. She was the very first person that I disclosed to about my past, and it wasnt easy, but she wanted to know why I was so distant from her, even though I was always there. She had a Major in Psychology and stressed that it was important that I see Therapist to resolve many of my issues. I didnt believe her. Im now guessing that maybe she was right. One night, when she and I were on a little vacation and staying in a hotel room for the night, we discussed the abuse some more. In our discussions, she expressed anger at the persons that violated me when I was younger and asked me why I didnt do the same. I remember responding in so many words like Well I know why he did it, I know what drove him. She froze. Then she stared at me sternly and said, Are you saying that youre looking at boys? Then I IMMEDIATELY got scared, didnt trust her, and said no. I just tried to live my life and hope for the best. I just now remember that whenever Kelly and I had sex that I would fanaticize about being with someone that I had dreams about instead, talk about disassociation, geez.

When I turned 28, a neighborhood boy started coming around to talk to me when I was walking my dog or outside cleaning my car etc. His name was Travis, he was 11 I think. He came from a terrible home, drug abusing parents on disability and public assistance and he was lonely and looking for a friend. I let him join me for my walks and I would talk to him a lot. I felt sorry for him and really liked him too. He was a troubled kid though and I would try to counsel him on how to handle his older brother picking on him etc. My dog liked him to, he would play with a ball or frisbee with him while we talked on the bike path alot. I hate to say it, but thoughts started to come into play again and I had to make another choice. God!!!! I hade to choose NOT to do it. I was ACTUALLY THINKING about it. God!!!
The next time he stopped over while I was in the yard I brushed him off and pretended that he was annoying me, I strongly hinted that I didn't want him around anymore. He didn't understand why I was all of a sudden being rude to him. I had to do it. He had to be away from me.

I have recently befriended a guy that has three young kids and Ive watched them for some periods of time that any perp would have taken advantage of. But I, once again, made the right decision not to do it. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I making choices like this in the first place? Its TAINTED everything. Unnhhhhggg I dont like to say this but when his kids are climbing/playing all over me I get hard, not aroused, Im not thinking like that with them, well sort of, shit, see what I mean? They never fucking LEAVE!!!! Would I be like this if I were normal? NO!!!

Hating the past and present:

I have recently come across my High School year book, its the only one I have, I took a good look at it one last time, then I threw it into a huge garbage compactor. I hate my past and my present. Every picture I look at reminds me of the past, and how I have so far failed to change my future.

I have had other incidences but these stand out the most in my mind. The thoughts never go away and theyve been with me ever since I was 11 or 12. This is why I hate me. This is why Ive never succeeded in anything in my life. Im too busy hating who I am.

How many times do I have to prove to myself that Im not evil or bad? How many times is enough? How can I ever feel good about who I am if I have to deal with these kinds of attractions?

I now wish that I was violently attacked and raped when I was little, instead of being manipulated and groomed. It led me to believe, for too long, that I am something I am NOT.
hauser i dont have any easy answers ,but this is the bravest thing i have seen posted here ,this is a terrible aftereffect of abuse and it should be talked about openly ,i know others here will support you in your request for help ,its what ms is all about right? help for our problems no matter what they are .it took guts to make this post. any affect of abuse is something that concerns all of us . talking about it is the first step to fixing it . your courage is really something i admire adam
one thing jumps out at me, as an adult, you have done the right thing. we cannot always control what thoughts bounce through our head. i know i havent always been driven snow there myself. give yourself credit that you havent hurt anyone since you've grown enough to know. that is a good thing. thinking and doing are two completely different things.
hauser i cant sya much right now but i want you to know i did read it. and i dont think any different of you than i ever did, not that i know you that well, but you are still the same to me
Hauser. I am humbled by this act of bravery. Words fail me. I have never seen such an act of courage.

I just wanted to add this. I think it's fitting, given today's date:

The youth have hope because it's their future they're hopeful about and if they're depressed about their own future, well, then we are in a bad state. And we keep hope alive by keeping it alive amongst ourselves.

-John Lennon
I echo much of what has been written by the others. Especially the word bravery keeps reverberating in my mind. I am certainly not a therapist or an expert on what possibility may exist for you to "act out" in a way that is not appropriate. The only Hauser I know is self aware and amazingly, brutally honest. And I respect you even more than ever for actually writing in a public forum about demons. Demons, to me, start losing their power when they are exposed. I hope for you that this begins another path of healing. Healing has many strands to it. And you, my friend, I feel have started down a really important road. Thanks, as always, for your bravery and honesty. I wish I was as brave as you.

I really want to reply to this, but no words can cover what I feel about what you wrote.

I have no magic wisdom, but am very proud of your bravery.

Hang strong!

You have been an inspiration to me and I'm sure you have been the same for many others in this forum. You allowed us to realize that, we can talk about the deepest darkest secrets that we have and still be a part of this group. That is crucial! You broke many barriers that I'm sure many of us thought may have been unbreakable. Thank you.

Much love,
You blew up the reservoir dam and all that crap came rushing out. You are still alive. No Frankenstein mobs came banging at your door. Your self-hatred is your creation. I was there and still am on occasion. My history of self-loathing was long - I am useless, sack of shit, no, I don't need your help so get out of my face. I was called a perv long before I knew what they did. Being Catholic just added to the crap. Funny thing, the nuns never taught us that God is usually a loving God etc. As altar boys we rattled off the Latin: ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam - I will go unto the altar of God who give joy to my youth. What happened? Where was the joy when I was molested? I don't know.
The god of my youth is not the god of me today.

For a long time I felt like that guy Sisyphus pushing that big rock up to the top, then rolling back down and doing it over and over.

How did I break the cycle? I had to find out why I was unhappy with me. I hated being like me, couldn't look in the mirror sober or drunk because I didn't like what I saw. Refused to believe others who said I was not a troll, I was ok. And I held onto the shit for a long time. Things got good I sabotaged myself. Used to feeling shitty, no self esteem, let me hide under my bed again. This cycle went on for a long time and I got tired of being this way and it took a suicide attempt, hauled off to the ER where I was tied down, admitted to the dual diagnosis and put in locked ward again and hopefully the last time. I stopped isolating. If I didn't I would die. Period. I got out of myself and opened up to new people in AA and elsewhere. I still have trust issues, have only recently began to deal with my abuse but still get weirded out. When I'm in a supermarket and see a cute kid with its mother, I feel guilty by looking at the child. I am paranoid what the parent will think so I turn away.
What am I? Who am I? Or am I always discovering myself? Should I limit me by saying: I am this or that. Or just say "who knows?" When I find out I'll send out a press release. I made a conscious choice to let a few into my life. It took a while to really trust, but I am so thankful I did. This is the god of my youth letting me trust a few. It does bring me joy and pain because one of my friends can be a real pain in the ass, if I let him. He has issues I don't have and once I began to understand the nature of his ills, it became easiere for me. I also have to tell myself: I am not the center of the world; I am a hero only in my head; it is not about me. Being narcissistic (What about my needs?!!) gets me off track. A nasty cycle, but also human nature to a point. We make mistakes, we learn to correct them, or find out how.
I see a T - I seem to think I am there to amuse her - I write homework - typed page daily of emotions, events, good and bad - there is a 6 inch pile in my folder. I like to write, obviously, and love to throw in a bomb or two to get a reaction. I am dyslexic, so when I speak the words can be confusing to others - I reverse thoughts when speaking - so when I type, I see what I say, I have control finally of my ideas.
I saw the term 'ideate' the other day and I choked. What in hell does that mean? Must be a new 'in' term used in mental health circles. No more "I think" - some of these jerks can spoil a good wet dream with their 'ideations.' Someday I will discuss oral masturbation (non sexual act).
So, to end this example of a non simple declarative sentence, you have begun the journey. There will be distractions, bring along your compass so you get can back on the road to discovery. Some day will will find out, but what's the rush?

Originally posted by froggy12:
So, to end this example of a non simple declarative sentence, you have begun the journey. There will be distractions, bring along your compass so you get can back on the road to discovery. Some day will will find out, but what's the rush?

Froggy, I have read your entire post, so please don't think by quoting only the last lines that I am dismissing it, but these lines are beautiful. They really do say it all.
Thank you everyone. Brave? Courage?

How about desperate?

Froggy, the rush is that I'm 37 and I for the first time in my life would like to have a family of my own but I can't even find a partner, not to mention a career that could allow me to afford one. I'm afraid I may have missed that boat. It's one of the heaviest prices of this CSA that I'm paying.

I've recently been hanging out with a good friend that has 3 really cool kids (I've never spent time with kids before, ever) and they love having me around and it's made me wish for something I never thought I would ever want before.
Wow. You have done an amazing thing. you say desperate, ok, if that's what drove you to your bravery and honesty, call it that. But realize that all along you have made good, safe decisions. You are strong.
Hauser, I rode steerage on Noah's Ark.

When I found out that I am dyslexic (at 45) I went back to school and got a degree in history, cum laude (Whoopeee). A few professors said I was an anomaly, another said I was walking history. Nicer than loser, asshole etc. Just more names. I proved to myself I am not dumb but I still had a load of unwanted baggage to toss. Sometimes I think I believe in the tooth fairy, but better that than nothing. Fear kept me down and still does if I let it. But I am a feisty son of a bitch so I keep going on, just for the hell of it.
Friends give validation and we do need it. Friends accept each other for what they are, the total package, foibles and all. Go for it buddy, all you have to lose is your fear.

Another froggy12 moment.

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. I, too, am humbled by your courage to speak the unspeakable.

If the truth were to be known I would suspect there are many of us who have, at one time or another, experienced thoughts or even arousal that could be considered pre-perpetrator behavior. There is a huge difference however between thought and action. One of the differences between immaturity and manhood is that men act with courage. As a man you have steadfastly avoided hurting children. That is an act of courage and integrity, not one of hatred and shame.

Speaking these things is the first step toward diminishing their power in your life. It's gonna take determination and commitment to the path of recovery, but if anyone can do it you certainly can. You've done so much already. You see your life as a failure because of this issue. The rest of us see your life as one of determination and growth. You'll make it through this also simply because of the man you are.

I'd like to end this with a quote from a former member here.
Take time to look into the mirror that reflects what others see in you. Sinking aka John
You're a good man, Hauser. I admire you for your integrity and courage.


Lots of love,


[edited to add post script]

P.S. You may wish to ask Ken Singer for access to the "at risk" forum in members to discuss in more depth some of the issues surrounding the things you've related here. There is opportunity there to get feedback from many of the guys as well as from a counselor who deals with these issues in his professional life. Just a thought.
Just wanted to say you're brave for sharing this, Hauser. I wish I had your guts. :)

Hi -

A lot of your post 7th grade experiences are quite familiar to me as you describe them. I was fortunate enough to figure out in my mid-20's that the reason I was having sexual thoughts about younger boys was the simple fact that my experiences at that age left me unsatisfied. As you describe the times that you were sexually aroused but there was no satisfaction or reciprocation to you. It sort of leaves a mental hole that you keep trying to fill?

What I see is you having plenty of opportunities later in life to try and fill that hole but you were also coherent enough to realize that it wasn't the right thing to do. As long as you can realize the reasons for your reactions then you're able to control your actions :)

And btw.. I must agree with the others here when they tell you you're not such a bad person as you think you are.

i have been living with these issues my whole life...hatting my self all the time..thinking i am such a pervert...almost offened in my 20s...but didnt...and proud to say never have or will..trying to figure out what is wrong with isolated all by myself...thanks hauser for this topic...and everyone else for the responses....took me quite a while to respond.. for fear when people know my secret..they will hate me and push me away...i am not worthy......
Wow...I mean....Wow..really Wow. More should speak up. That is what has helped me. I felt like crap for so long. I am learning to forgive myself and to love myself. Its a long journey, but through God anything is possible. God loves you and God loves me. God loves sinners. " Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."

