Me, possible triggers?

Me, possible triggers?


I haven't been around much lately, pretty long story, but I was avoiding this place, but now I see I could use the extra support.

I just feel so alone, I have alienated all of my good friends, I don't even have a best friend anymore, he refuses to speak to me. My past haunts me, not only the SA, but also the things I have done, such as lying and hiding the true me. I still hide the real me from people, I am too scared to show myself, too scared to open myself up to criticism or rejection, and it is killing me.

Fear seems to control my life, a friend I had a falling out with not too long ago is in the hospital, and I am too scared to try to contact him even through e-mail, I just don't know what to say or how to say it, and I am scared what I say will be wrong and will make things wiorse between us.

My therapist is out of town, in France to be exact, for 3 weeks now, and he won't be back till the last week in the month, I guess I could call and talk to the person who is covering for him, but I am too scared for that too. I have been sleeping more than usual, just can't seem to keep energy or health, I have been sick for awhile, but have been avoiding the doctor.

I just don't know what to say or how to say it, I tryed to respond to a couple of posts here today, but couldn't find the words or strength. I feel like I am losing my grip, and that scares me more than almost anything else. I am alone for the weekend, and am too scared to try to call any of my friends, I have just been sitting here thinking, and I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I feel alone and empty and just don't know what to do or say.

I feel guilty posting this since I haven't been around for awhile, and can't seem to reply to anyone elses posts, but I need the support, need the help, need to try to gain some more strength before I totally fall apart again. I just went to working full time so I don't have the time to fall apart, can't seem to do anything right in my own eyes.

Lonliness is a terrible feeling, and I feel more alone than ever before, to be honest I barely have one friend left I haven't hurt or alienated, and that hurts me, I hate hurting people I care for, every once in awhile I think about death and how peaceful it can be, but then I snap too and realize I can't do that. For awhile I thought I had to die as a punishment for hurting some very good people very badly, and at times I still feel like that.

Tomorrow is another day, and one more chance for me to screw up again. SOrry abouth this, buit I needed to let it out, I hope it hasn;t triggered anyone.


I am glad you found the strength to post today. I know how hard that is, I also understand just how tired you are! All of the pain, confusion, lonliness and fear is VERY understandable.

Scott, you are not alone here, this place is filled with brothers who totally understand your feelings. Continue to read, continue to post, PM me if you need to "talk".

Do not hesitate to call your T's replacement or your MD for help and support as well. Stay busy if that is what you need to do. Take care of yourself!



You don't have to stay away from here. You never have to reply to messages if you don't want to reply.

Your tagline is pretty interesting.
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small menwho find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.
Maybe the answers you need are already in you, and you even show them to the world at the bottom of your posts. You can take steps to feel better, to meet people. You don't have to run for public office. Just helping out people who need something you can provide will give you a chance to meet people. I know you were considering how coaching youngsters could be helpful to you and to them. Maybe this is the time for something like that.

If the world looks bad from where you're sitting, it might be time to move to a new vantage point.



You need. There's no other explanation necessary.

I can't take away the pain, but please know that you're not alone.

Not ever.

I can't be there physically, but I'm with you in spirit. I have a long night ahead and had wicked nightmares, so I didn't get any sleep, so I'm isolated more than ever.

But I know I have you guys.

And please know that you have me.

Peace and love,


You have my support.

I feel guilty posting this since I haven't been around for awhile, and can't seem to reply to anyone elses posts, but I need the support, need the help, need to try to gain some more strength before I totally fall apart again.
If there was ever a time to post, this is the time. Posting to others' posts is not a prerequisite to posting for yourself.

Tomorrow is another day, and one more chance for me to screw up again.
Today is a day to change the past. Tomorrow is a chance to change today. Tomorrow is what you make of it. It can be a good day, a very good day, if you want to make it that.

Take care,

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down.

I echo the sentiments already said. You're not alone, not here. I'm amazed that I can care about so many people I don't really know (this is the only online forum like this I've ever been part of), but the care is real, and I know the others feel the same way.

Trust yourself, and not the scared self, but the one underneath it, the one who is your core self.

Your post reminded me of one my favorite quotes, so I'll share it with you:

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

When I first read this it sort of scared me, in that I didn't know if I was good enough to remain, or that I would be found worthy if I did remain.

But guess what? When I look deep enough inside myself I find that there is a person worth believing in.

And if you have any doubt about yourself in this regard, read over your posts to our site. You'll see the very kind and decent person we all value here. He's real. He's you.

Scott - I have always received support here when I need it. I always appreciate it!

That's what I think this whole site is about - it's not about adding the most posts/'s helping when you feel that you can.

Sometimes I think I post a load of crap, sometimes I touch a nerve... I have received thanks from some of the Brothers here for comments that I have made & have thanked others for their support.

Ask for / accept help when you need it - give help when you notches!

Best wishes ....Rik
Today is the first day I found this site. I am personally glad to have read where you are - now I don't feel alone. The whole losing your frinds part hit home. I guess my anger is pretty intense or something. My best frind of 9 years blew me off when I specifically said " I need help." Of course I got mad about it, and the next thing I know her new boyfriend is calling threatening to kick my ass. I didn't threaten her at all, not even a name. Why am I always the bad guy when I stand up for myself - obviously I need to work on how I communicate. Anyway, I going to post a new message to show where I'm at today. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.