Maybe it's stress

Maybe it's stress


I had a good laugh at my expense this morning, and thought I'd share it here. I had a phone conversation with a therapist yesterday after kind of wigging out about things being out of control.

He pointed out that one factor was probably stress that was making me more distracted. In the last year, I've had a new job, new house, and new city. And I've put a lot of recovery work on hold. And it's true, for the last six years I had one address and one job. But before that, I used to change jobs and addresses a lot. So I kind of dismissed the idea that stress is getting to me.

Then this morning I'm rushing to work and I go to get on the escalator and I find that I'm trying to walk down the up escalator. His words were ringing in my ear at that moment. Everyone else completely ignored it, in the spirit of politeness. I thought for a minute of trying to run down the escalator anyway, just to see if I could get a reaction from anyone. But in hindsight I'm glad I didn't. Maybe he's right and I do need to unwind a little.
Some people flourish in stress. Others are crushed by it. Our society rewards those who can handle stress well. But the rewards dont always equal the consequences.

There are very few things that I know with certainty. But I do know that any time you live in an environment where escalators have to be used on a regular basis, you have too much stress. That is not my opinion. It is a natural fact.


I understand what you're talking about.

My job is probably one of the most stressful you will find outside of an emergency room, police precinct, or firestation.

It takes it's toll on all of us, stress does. I haven't any idea of what to do about it, but I do understand it.
