Mario , My dog
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those are 2 pictures of my dog. I took them today. which wasn't the bst time to. iv been sad all day beacuse he is not healthy. he is 12 years old in human years... x7 for dog years. so he is very old. and can't move well now. he has a degenerate disc in his back and severe arthritis. I am just posting this because he is what I lean on when I am lonely which is mostly every day and when I wanted to leave this world for good Mario was a big reason I didn't do what i was planning. he means alot to me and I hope this can be cured. but for his breed *austrailian sheperard* hip dissease/arthritis is the leading cause of death/being put down. anyone else ever used a pet for solice in times of need? iv raised him since his first day on earth he feels like my son. iv trained him to obey to around 50 commands and words, and its just hard to see him like this..unable to move..and if u can see his eyes in those pics..they arnt full of life and happyness like the dog I knew for 11 years.
those are 2 pictures of my dog. I took them today. which wasn't the bst time to. iv been sad all day beacuse he is not healthy. he is 12 years old in human years... x7 for dog years. so he is very old. and can't move well now. he has a degenerate disc in his back and severe arthritis. I am just posting this because he is what I lean on when I am lonely which is mostly every day and when I wanted to leave this world for good Mario was a big reason I didn't do what i was planning. he means alot to me and I hope this can be cured. but for his breed *austrailian sheperard* hip dissease/arthritis is the leading cause of death/being put down. anyone else ever used a pet for solice in times of need? iv raised him since his first day on earth he feels like my son. iv trained him to obey to around 50 commands and words, and its just hard to see him like this..unable to move..and if u can see his eyes in those pics..they arnt full of life and happyness like the dog I knew for 11 years.