Mario , My dog

Mario , My dog;jsessionid=aaahvXhOOsYP_N?machineid=wmtp008&machineid=wmtp008&clicksource=albumenhance&view=photo&containerID=7528240642&page=1&el ementID=10591438341

those are 2 pictures of my dog. I took them today. which wasn't the bst time to. iv been sad all day beacuse he is not healthy. he is 12 years old in human years... x7 for dog years. so he is very old. and can't move well now. he has a degenerate disc in his back and severe arthritis. I am just posting this because he is what I lean on when I am lonely which is mostly every day and when I wanted to leave this world for good Mario was a big reason I didn't do what i was planning. he means alot to me and I hope this can be cured. but for his breed *austrailian sheperard* hip dissease/arthritis is the leading cause of death/being put down. anyone else ever used a pet for solice in times of need? iv raised him since his first day on earth he feels like my son. iv trained him to obey to around 50 commands and words, and its just hard to see him like this..unable to move..and if u can see his eyes in those pics..they arnt full of life and happyness like the dog I knew for 11 years.
The link didn't work when I clicked on it because you have login. There might be another way to post a picture up here and maybe one of the moderators can help you on that.

I have a cat that has been with me since 1991. I got it shortly after I got out of the hospital after being paralyzed and it has been with me ever since. She has heard me yell, scream, rant, rave, cry, and she has seen me happy, afraid, scared, etc... She's been there with me through everything. Animals are a big part of my world in many ways. She doesn't let me out of her sight too many times and if things are especially tough for me she seems to know and she takes extra attention to keep watch over me.

the pets who have shared my life were often the ones i loved most, as i endured being ignored by my parents. it always hurts to loose one. i keep swearing i wont get another because i will have to watch them die, but i keep getting one. life seems empty without them. i guess the pain of loosing them outweighs the joy they bring. i'm sorry your friend is getting old. i know its hard.
My good thoughts are with you and with Mario. I have a dog also, I have had him since he is 2 months old, and he is first pet I ever have my own. I am very lucky, that he is still mostly young (he is 6 years now) and very healthy. But yes, he has been huge thing to me, huge solace to me when lonely or thinking of ending myself. I know that he was what stop me once, because who would take care of him? I think it is very helpful to us to have pets, because they love us and trust us, and are not hampered by our 'dirty past', they don't care of that. They love us as we are, and that kind of acceptance, that is something good for us. I wish you both well.
