when I see my doc the weird thing is this.
What if I was 11yo talking to you?
You would be denying what I tell you!
I told my doc that meds make me panic and other stuff.
She says, Oh the meds are to stop that!
I say, if you read the notes carefully, it says a side effect is to heighten those feelings.
Wow, she says, you are right, so we think of a higher dose!
The last time I saw her, I said, I have got things wrong that you cannot diagnose.
She says like what?
I said PTSD, DID, etc., so she just said, yes, I will send you to someone who can do it.
Nah, docs should spot these signs, it should not be up to me to self diagnose myself.
I am not even saying that I have these things, I am not a doctor, but I cannot just carry on the way this thing goes.
If I go back to the 10/11yo boy who sat in front of the doctor on so many occasions, being diagnosed with everything except what was happening then how frightening was that.
The difference then was, he could not even speak of what happened, but my parents knew, so how did they not have a way of fixing him!
Kurt, it startled me to think that abuse was more significant than military stuff.
Is it not because you were a child, unable to fight back!
The trauma I faced as a child was so significant, it taught me to fight adults who could not understand him, he did not want to do it, and each adult he fought never thought bad about him doing it, he taught them to think how they can hurt kids.
I stood up to a teacher in class after he swiped me sideways on my head, nobody would take this teacher on, but he snapped stood up and wiped the floor with him. I was a hero to all the kids.
The same teacher took me to one side after school, and thinking I am going to be whacked 'again',NO, he listened and thanked me for standing up for myself.
The hour I spent with him in his study taught us both a valuable lesson in life, that it is right to stand up and voice concern.
He could have just whacked me, like he used to do, but no, he listened, and it changed both him and myself.