Making Decisions

Making Decisions


It has been a while since I have been back here. Now that I got the computer back up and running I am sure I will visit quite often. I was thinking about making decisions. Does anyone else have problems with this? I mean from serious life changing ones to just everyday simple things? Sometimes I drive myself (and my wife crazier) when I can't even decide where to go eat? I even get so tired of myself. Anyone else?

It is extremely common.
I admit to that problem, well, maybe I don't. Then again, maybe I do, well, etc...
I have a problem with this. I am paralalyzed when it comes to major decisions. And sometimes just deciding where to eat get so confused I just don't go.
Yup, I can see I am not the only one then. For instance if I would of not ate the extra helping at dinner I would probably NOT be up at 4 something in the morning right now! Mike I thought that might be the case. Casey - good answer 8-=) Marc, I do know the feeling very well.

I feel for you, guy. I was offered a new position at work yesterday, and even though it's more money, I'm like, should I take it? Maybe I shouldn't. It's more money, but more responsibility. Do I want more responsibility at this point, or do I want things to stay the same?

I have found that I usually don't take change well. I like to feel safe. I like things the same, but I am trying to branch out some. I mean I'm 47 yrs old. I don't have forever to venture out and try new things. I may just go for it. Maybe you should to.
Brothers. For most of my life I did not want to make decisions. But here is the funny thing with me. When someone else did, for whatever reason, a little switch went click in my head and I went ballistic because I thought the other person was trying to control me. Go figure!!!!! It is easier now but that damned switch can still go click at times.
I have problems with being indecisive as well. I think it goes back to the time of the abuse, being confused about what was happening to me, whether I should tell, etc. Even today, what to have for supper is a major decision.
I have no problem coming up with a decision. So what are we going to do?

There's a catchy lyric on "Misplaced Childhood"
On the verge of indecision, I'll always take the round about way
Yup, that's me.

"Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont."

Mike, I'm with you on this one !

I was trying to decided if I should post or not! No really I think it sounds like we all pretty much deal with this in some way. Rich I like what you said about just go for it. Mike and Dave I can agree with that switch too..maybe not deciding is my/our way of staying in control of things sometimes. Eddie- indecisive has been a close companion for quite some time! Thats the word I was thinking of when I started this post. Bill- good answer! and Joe yes, I think I have taken the round about way so many times. For me I think it has been the fear of the unknown stopping me some times. Well as far as "life decisions." That and poor self esteem. I am 43 right now and it is time to do somethings if I really want to. Or also this I find myself coming back to the SAME decisions all the time but NEVER doing anything about them. That has been driving me up the wall about myself too.

I made a major decision last year. That day, it was what was best for me. Actually, physically, mentally, probably all over, it is what was best for me. But, even now, seven or eight months later, I still guess at myself again on it sometime. I think it is our nature, because we maybe do not have such confidence in ourself, so that will carry over to not such confidence in our decisions also. But still, sometime they must be made.

For major decisions, maybe to make a list of the positive and negative things from each alternative can help make it clearer what is best choice. Other times, well, we just have to choose Japanese or Italian food! (Or Mexican. Or Chinese. Or hamburger!)

I think it is common problem for us. You are not alone.

as we say in NY, "Not for nothin', but...."

we make dozens, scores, of decisions every day and most of them are automatic. If I get stuck, I just go with the first or second idea/choice I had, whichever seems the least disgusting or unappealing at that moment.

Now, I actually heard this in a deli in NYC. The customer had to be an out-of-towner. The last decision he made really cracks me up.

Coffee please.

Stay or to go?

Regular or decaf?

20, 16, 12, 10 oz?

Black, milk, cream?
Is it half and half?


The cream.

Ok, half and half, please.

Light or regular?

Sugar, Equal?
No Splendra?

Sorry, no.

One or two?

Aything else?
No thanks.

Need a bag?
I'm gonna kill you kid.

Ok. Next?