Made the Call

Made the Call


I did it, I called for an appointment with a therapist. They have to call me back, their computer system was down. They will call me back in the morning. I cannot believe that I did it. I do not know if I will or can really keep the appointment. My wife thinks it is the right thing to do, she said she is proud of me. I am scared as hell. It is like waiting for surgery. I just want it over with. In a way this site is a God send, and in way it is hard to be here, reading all of it and sharing. At least I do not feel alone, and now know that other guys have gone through the same things and survived it. It is very hard keeping it all under control, all the time. Over time it wears you out. I am stressed almost to the limit. My hope and goal is to get pass this nightmare and LIVE the rest of my life. One guy said it best, he has my past, but he will not have my future. I like that. I pray I can make it my truth. Once again, thank you to everyone, you have all helped me more than you know.

Well done, Mark! I am glad you will soon be seeing a therapist. Feeling nervous and anxious before the sessions is pretty normal. But you will see that things will get better and better for you after a while.

All the best!
I felt the same way, but know my T's office is the safest place on earth (except for my wife's arms!).
Mark, good luck to you. That nervousness is good energy. At least it was for me when I went for the first time a few years ago. One thing that helped for me, was to realise that the person giving therapy will do what they can to make you comfortable. My biggest fear was waiting in the waiting room with all these 'normal' people who are waiting for their loved ones. It wasnt like that at all. The therapist spaced appointments so they wouldnt overlap.
Mark it will feel just like a boil being lanced. Painful at first but the relief will be unbelievable. The therapist is there to help guide you to living as you were meant to.
Mark - that's a great step you've taken. Be positive - in a couple of months time I expect that you will look back and realise that it was a giant step.

Best wishes ...RIk
Way to go Mark! My anology goes like this, Your standing in the middle of an empty room in a burning building. If you stay idle and don't keep yourself busy the smoke creeps in through the cracks like a poison gas and takes control of your mind. This is what we have to keep from happening to us.