Loving someone is hard
Ya meet someone your extremely fond of and you want to date them. The closer you get to them, the more scared you get of abuse and betrayal thanks to those who were supposed to love you as a child and turned around and screwed your life up. Last night I acted like a jerk to a girl I like because she was acting a little wierd. We all know women do that. Truth is, I was looking for an excuse to detach so I wouldn't get my heart crushed. I realized that the issue I mentioned is why I have a rough track record with women. I'll get close but I won't let myself love them because of the past (my abuse and past relationships gone sour). Then I thought, "Jason, Why not try loving someone for a change. Is that too much to ask?" I guess I am selfish for that. I'll let someone completely fall in love with me and then I just shrug them off to protect my own hide even when the potential is there. Any advice?