Losing Ground

Losing Ground


Hello, brothers. I am also spinning out of control. I have sunk into the place of self-pity and acting out. It started last week when one of my closest friends moved from DC to Baltimore, where I live. In fact, he and I are sharing a new apartment/house that will be a good thing for me since I am very lonely in Baltimore. I moved here a year ago for a new job and have done nothing to make new friends in the city.

Anyway, this friend of mine gets high on pot all the time which is a weakness of mine and part, I fear, of the problem for me. I usually get hornier when I use pot and then I begin to act out. I hope I can control my use but my behavior is usually very compulsive and intense.

Combine this with how miserable I feel right now about having lost my partner, Mark, because he left me over one month ago so that I could "heal". I keep blaming myself and adding to my sense of guilt and failure. I don't understand yet how this happened to me and how to get better. I also fear that my ex partner is also really a SA but he has used my admitted incest as an excuse for himself to return to acting out.

I envy all of you who have partners that are willing to see you through this mess as long as the parameters of your relationship are set and understood. It seems that my relationship with Mark we avoided discussing what the terms of our seeing each other were and that he pulled out before he gave me a chance to commit to healing, and now I am hurt, angry, frustrated and heartbroken over what has been sacrificed without a chance to make it work. I have made so much progress in the last four years of therapy, and it is only now that I have found a specialist in SA and incest that I feel I can move forward.

But somehow I don't know how to reconcile the healing for myself. How can my behavior of acting out change if I feel hopeless and worthless and not having any sort of relationship to work toward.

It's all so complicated and I am unhappy about how much I have allowed myself to "slip" into old behaviors. I need to get control of this, but my heart aches so much about my present life I am sometimes considering giving up entirely, too.

I continue to read from the sidelines, but this week has been very bad for me - with the almost 30 inches of snow we got last weekend, I was "stranded" for three days with no way to work and my therapy session got cancelled due to the weather, which made me even sadder and more desperate.

Help me find strength to carry on, brothers. I hate being a victim of all of this.
What a bummer for you of all the shit that seems to be on your plate. You state
I continue to read from the sidelines, but this week has been very bad for me - with the almost 30 inches of snow we got last weekend, I was "stranded" for three days with no way to work and my therapy session got cancelled due to the weather, which made me even sadder and more desperate.

Help me find strength to carry on, brothers. I hate being a victim of all of this.

YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. You know why. CAUS YOU ARE A SURVIVOR. And that is a whole lot different

You wrote:
I have sunk into the place of self-pity and acting out. It started last week when one of my closest friends moved from DC to Baltimore, where I live. In fact, he and I are sharing a new apartment/house that will be a good thing for me since I am very lonely in Baltimore. I moved here a year ago for a new job and have done nothing to make new friends in the city.

Anyway, this friend of mine gets high on pot all the time which is a weakness of mine and part, I fear, of the problem for me. I usually get hornier when I use pot and then I begin to act out. I hope I can control my use but my behavior is usually very compulsive and intense.
Hanginon does he know about your issues and that pot turns you on. HE seems, by your posts to be a good friend and buddy. If he is that he will not screw off if you tell him a bit about yourself and what the effects ov grass on you have. Think of Mark and see that inadvertantly you may be getting into an old familiar pattern. Why do we do this. Simple. We all do this caus we are used to it and new shit or direction is fraught with the unkown.
But you are here with us my BROTHER and we all support each other.
Slips happen; what can I say. If they do be gentle with yourself . It is not the end of the world, just pothole on the way forward.
I started a new post. What I did for myself and the little me inside. Read them. They may sound silly and ridiculous but HEY thats what we all want. A Little fun for the me and the me inside. Life is not and shouldn't be totally without some real fun.
Just remember the shits that did what they did to you did not give a rats ass about you except as a sex object to be played with and discarded.
Staying the way we are allows them TO WIN. They cannot be allowed to do that Brother. Remeber it took a hell of a lot of inner strength to get where you are in the healing process. Dont knock it . You are stronger than you think. Pat yourself on the back and then by god at least do something every day with the inner "Hanginon" that is goofy or fun and something you both can get benefit from.
Not much more to say except STAY WITH US BROTHER caus some day soon we are all gonna be WINNERS

Hanginon does he know about your issues and that pot turns you on. HE seems, by your posts to be a good friend and buddy. If he is that he will not screw off if you tell him a bit about yourself and what the effects ov grass on you have.
Mike makes sense, take the chance and tell your friend how you feel. I'd bet the odds are on your side.
