Lordy, now what do I do?!

Lordy, now what do I do?!

Jay Bee


Its been quite a while since I have been totally floored by the experiences in my life but......

For the past couple of years I have befriended a single mom(around early 40's) and her totally adorable seven year old boy. She has had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse but is in a recovery program now and is doing well. Sometimes when we talk, she relates her experiences when she was a user. The father of her child pysically abused her enough to send her to the hospital(and she was pregnant besides at the tim eof THAT incident) and the boy hardly knows his father at all because his mother left his butt after that never to return(thank goodness for that).

At any rate, very slowly, I have become somewhat of a father figure to him(which is great for me and him, I think). During our lastest talk(like yesterday), the mother confided that while under the influence of some drug/alcohol cocktail, she had sexually fondled a twelve year old boy. I did not say a word. She knows nothing about my CSA history. She must have seen something in my face though because she started saying it wasn't that bad, that it was just fooling around, boys have fantasies of being with older women all the time, etc. She would have to have been in her early 30' s at the time. The boy also initiated the sexual contact by fondling her breasts but the responsible adult would have removed the offending hand and left that situation if not alert his parents, at least. I told her this but ignored many of the emotions this revelation produced within me.

On the one hand I am a pissed off CSA survivor and on the other I am a supporting friend realizing she was in a drug-induced state at the time and she is clean now. I also know people minimize their wrongful actions at times as a defense mechanism against their own sense of guilt and shame.

So, any feedback would be welcome.

I think, and I'm totally new at this so tell me to bugger off if you feel like it, but maybe you could suggest to her to make some sort of contact with the boy? Tell him that regardless of whether he saw it as traumatic or not, she is sorry about it and that she made a lot of mistakes in her life that she isn't proud of?

It might be a good idea to tell her about you CSA so that she knows you understand how it feels to be on the other side...and also let her see that forgiveness for the perp is possible...
honestly - she sounds unstable - and an unfit
candidate to care for this boy -

- self distructive and abusive tendencies for her own naricisistic indulgence -

- not healthy -
unless she's a patient

i hope YOU are not being the emotional servant to her -

and taking on her failings as your
Responsibility to pick up the slack

Take care of yourself -

and if the boy is in peril - call Child Services

but For your own sake -

If you find yourself becoming the Knight in Shining Armour - inside to her life -

a bad sign

and I would say take care of you -

and move on -
as one girl told me - unfortunately

women do this as an attention getter to invoke that archetype in men -

she's an adult and no longer a victim and puts herself into these situations -

so as the same girl said she would say to women like this if she were their friend

"what did you expect?" - "you put yourself into that situation" - she said women do this -
she was 20 something - and heard how her male friend was being manipulated by a prior abused girl - who then was asking him to be the knight and also play some role - that he was uncomfortable with - and unsure about -

it may sound harsh -

but being under the influence and raping somebody -
or molesting is no less a crime

sympathy? none here -
sorry she sounds

self absolving -

which is pretty 'telling' too

in her case -


if she refuses to take responsibility and thus be held ACCOUNTABLE

in the first place !?

MarkGreyBlue and BP83 have certainly illustrated the conflicting issues that I am facing. I don't know if I can say I tend to be forgiving but I do tend to be understanding. I certainly was no picnic at some times in my life after the CSA occured. Though she is clean, I have hesitated to tell her about my own experiences as she has enough on her plate and I don't think she could fully absorb what I am trying to relate at this time anyway.

I feel some people stubbornly refuse to accept responsibility for wrongs they may have done and others are just too emotionally fragile to claim that responsibility yet, like all the emotions that would come up if they had to take a long hard look at themselves and the horrible mistakes they made in the past, it would threaten to erase any and all positive steps they have made since.

I am concerned but not overly worried about her son. I know she loves him very much and does care and provide for him and is trying diligently to be a good mother to him. I don't consider you a mean and heartless person, MarkGreyBlue, for your views. Its your honest feedback.

I shall think about your suggestions, BP83