Looking for Marvel contact

Looking for Marvel contact


Brothers, I know how stupid it sounds, but I found an outlet for my need to get the message out about male sexual abuse, my writing, and yes, my love of the comics. Many years ago, Marvel published one of those public-service comics on sexual abuse. One story actually dealt with Spider-Man admitting he was sexually abused as a child.

I'm working on a treatment which brings this into the Marvel canon. I feel that this can reach others who need help and don't know where to turn. It's hard to get noticed there (lotsa fanboys like me send in spec treatments everyday, so there's a large compost pile at their office, I imagine). Does anyone know ANYONE I can send it to, or speak to about getting it noticed by Joe Quesada, the editor-in-chief at Marvel?

Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

Peace, love, and thanks, brothers!

Scot :D
Scott and Jake...I know someone who has a great contact at Marvel but I must tell you that MaleSurvivor looked into the possibility of having another issue on sexual abuse done. We thought it was a great idea and a very good way to reach out to young kids. The fact of the matter is Marvel wanted some $90,000 to produce this special issue and print out enough magazines we could then distribute. We considered doing something of this nature in conjunction with our last conference but the cost was just too prohibitive....then there were the distribution issues. So the board decided it was not something we could persue at this time.

For the TRUE MARVEL ENTHUSIAST...MaleSurvivor does hold the original artwork for the cover of a Knight Rider issue. We hope to auction it off on e-bay soon...starting price around $2,500. The work was actually done and donated by the son of one of our board members, so should you know anyone who may be interested....please let us know.

I hope oneday we are in a position to get Marvel to do this again and somehow acknowledge MaleSurvivor....maybe its not a bad idea to ask them to do this but the last issue was done for another charity who is a paying customer so I am not sure this idea would fly....but it doesn't hurt to ask...especially coming from survivors. I will see if I can dig up a name and address should you want to ask them.


I agree that it sucks, but they are a business out to make money. Their work in the "Origins" and "Uncanny X Men" is more than what a lot of other businesses do, at least in terms of making abuse issues visible. Obviously, I don't know what people do "behind the scenes" to improve the community.

It wouldn't be that difficult to make a PDF which could be distributed at pretty low cost, relative to distributing a printed comic. There are other interesting media choices today, too. A web site, an animation, or something else might still deliver the message visually, using the same characters (yours, not necessarily Marvel's copyrighted stuff).
