Looking for a new therapist
I've been looking for a new therapist in my area that specializes in Sexual Abuse because my current T is just too far and hard to get to. Someone in chat recommmended this book about Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and I read it and it seemed like it would work with my situation. Anyway, I found this therapist locally who not only does REBT but specializes in Sexual Abuse victims and has treated men before. I talked to her about evening and weekend apointments and she told me she only had evening apointments and that she was "kind of tight" and that she would get back to me IF she had anything available. Does this seem like she does not want to take me. Maybe because she does specialize in sexual abuse but hasn't had many male patients? I don't know. Should I forget about her and continue looking or call her and see what we can work out.