Looking for a good therapist.

Looking for a good therapist.


I don't know if anyone around here can help on this or not, but I thought I would ask. I am looking for a good therapist in Miami as I need to start seeing one again. I miss my former one that I had where I used to live. She was so helpful to me in dealing with my abuse and my past. However with a recent death of someone close to me, a lot of issues have been brought up.

If anyone knows of someone good in Miami and could pass this information along to me, I would appreciate it. I am checking with different sources and places but trying to narrow things down a little.

If the therspists from Florida who are listed in the NOMSV Directory of Therapists are too far away from you, you might call them and ask if they have colleagues to recommend. As always, you should check up on the credentials of any therapist you are considering working with (read A Consumer's Guide to Therapist Shopping, which has a link in the Disclaimer on the opening page of the Directory of Therapists).

Richard Gartner
NOMSV President
Thanks Richard. I have gotten quite a few good leads from several people I know. Now I have to match up those against my insurance and proceed from that point. I appreciate your help on this.

It is nice to see you around. You will probably remember me from challenging you pretty hard on an older male survivor board that was once in existance.
