Looking at a prior post - and my book is published

Looking at a prior post - and my book is published


Hi all,

Thank God - time heals...some wounds.

I reflect back on a post of mine back in November:
prior post

I WAS having a difficult time. The good news is...those issues ARE in my past.

My other good news is - is that my book was published May 2005.

"An Inch From Murder": My Life As A Male Victim of Sexual Child Abuse

I wish you all strength in your journey. If anyone would like free - my e-book - don't hesitate to contact me.

***** a request ***** Who might I contact...what official in this organization - whereby I might have my book listed in your Bookstore?

A contact name or could you contact me. I'd appreciate it.

Congratulations. I want to personally thank you for having the courage to write your story in a published book. It only serves to further understanding about a topic that is not only uncomfortable for many, but terribly misunderstood.

I have found (and I hope the MODS will allow this link to remain as it would benefit anyone else needing the contact) https://www.lulu.com
It is a company specifically for people who want to self-publish. The really great thing about Lulu is that it is print on demand, so you don't have to shell out any money for printing hundreds of books that you have to sell yourself. You can also create your own "storefront". You set the price of your book, you design it. All you have to do is upload the Word document in the format that they suggest (they even have templates for page setup). You set up a Paypal account and they will then collect the money from purchases (they handle all of the transactions), take a small percentage for their royalty, and then deposit once a month into your paypal account.
IN addition, if you pay a small additional fee, they will catalog it and assign an ISBN number. With that, you can then go onto Amazon.com and sell your book to an audience of millions.
They even handle the transaction there, too. They will get the money from Amazon and then transfer to your account (minus their small fee).
I found that it's a win-win situation for everyone.
Thanks again for your courage! If you have a place to download the e-book, please PM me. Or, I can provide a hotmail account provided the file isn't too big.

Hi, I think I already read some of your book back then, but I am not so good at sticking with a book, so it takes me ages.

NO, if you write in the past, never change it, because it does not mean the same thing, when I write poetry, some of it is of the past, but I never reword it, cos it will lose meaning to me.

If they dont list the book here, there are loads of places that will review it and link to it, so get searching the net.

I wish you well, and hope to see it is WH Smiths, ask them to review it, then it will fly, send it to the Guardian etc., there are loads of leads.

Good luck,

Our bookstore link goes straight to Amazon.com and their list of survivor related books, I don't think MS actually has anywhere to promote books,
So I hope people visit your excellent site and buy a copy, then post a review in our forums.

Thanks SD and ste and Dave for your kind words.

Dave the link to the MS Bookstore:

Lists books - whereby MS has an affiliate account with Amazon - as in - malesurvivororg
and so MS gets a small commission when one buys a book from that bookstore page via the Amazon linking code - which MS gets credit for.

I have a link on my site to the listing of the book at Amazon too.

Nice to see you all again.
Congrats on the book. I'll look for it on Amazon, or ask them to get it on their list.
Good luck,

So, if we buy it from Amazon via our link, we get some money - and so do you. A good deal all round.

You don't have to be a member. I don't know whether our link to Amazon would allow a self=published book that is not carried by them. You could contact them to find out and if it is ok, it could be listed here and purchased thru Amazon.

Otherwise, I can check with the mods and Board of Directors to see about having a link on the website that would go directly to your publisher. Probably best to contact our president and editor of the newsletter, Murray Schane, MD, to see about this.


Thanks for your post.

Just as a point of information; For those who might be future Authors; Self-Published books get a bad rap. They are growing in popularity. One does have an ISBN number, Ingram Book Group is your wholesale distributor to Amazon.com - Barnes & Noble.

If you look at the first book listed on the MS Bookstore page:
You see:
Adult Children of Abusive Parents

This number 0345363884 in the url thread of the Amazon linking code - is the ISBN # - then followed by the slash /malesurvivororg

malesurvivororg is the linking code so that Male Survivor gets credit and a commision

My ISBN # for An Inch From Murder at Amazon is: 1589397304

Yes Ken - please have Murray Schane or whomever updates the Bookstore page on MS - consider linking my book. It is a very helpful book and I am PM'ing you with a url - where you can read the completed book online - as an ebook.
