Locking out threads

Locking out threads


I have noticed that a few members have removed themselves from the boards in disgust at censoreship over Jonathan King issue.

Yes, there was a load of negative waste of grey matter used on him, but lets face it for what it is, and I am not posting this as a thread that needs to fly out of control.

The main point to bear in mind, is that JK is knawing constantly at his victims, and all victims of CSA.

He boasts openly of his sooper dupes life, and how many friends he had of the past, and that is just it, they are of the past, and need to stay in the past with this old has been innocent boy.

He is a vile pervert, who is manipulative and not converse with the law of the land, and thinks his ego can survive any assault by those he abused.

Suffice to say that himself gary glitter, and the infamous chris denning who his still detained in jail, were all part of a pedo ring, denning being the worst of all, and even our appeal to have denning locked away for longer fell on deaf ears.

Let us not be complacent here, we are dealing with prolific pedophiles, skillful at not being caught, like a lot of others who are not 'celebrity' status.

If we have saved one child on UTube, it was worth the concerted effort of the guys who find this scum the bottom of life.

This is the real problem!
The press will not even touch a story about him, nor the TV companies, are willing to know that he is trolling internet sites with intent.

If any of the proffessional guys can tell me how he got parole without admitting to his crimes, nor being enlisted on an offender program, then I would love to know.

The UK Government has put a D notice on the press to dampen down sex offender issues, because there are a lot of witchunts going on with the issue of what the public are oblivious to.

A Government who pledge to track down sex offenders when we already know that most are unknown to the jusice system, and will maybe never come to their attention in their lifetime.

Believe it or not, I have empathy for king and his cronies, but thats just it, I forgive even the most vile in society and what they did to me or any child.

I am not a vigilante, but I will not stand and watch as men such as these mock their victims.
I/We, will not let them permeate sites designed for teens and pretend they are nice old men with absolutely no skeletons in the closet.

As I said earlier, I dont want to start a flame topic, and will delet it if it goes out of control, but hey guys we can keep control, we always did.

Neccessity is the mother of all invention, flaming hurt you, so dont waste negative energies, and by all accounts report him to CEOP.
