Little Help Here Please

Little Help Here Please


I am shy and reluctant to do this but the past 2 days have been an emotional hell. The other night the nightmares returned. While I can get through the night by staying awake or otherwise distracting myself, I cannot however, shake the tearfulness and dispair that lingers for days after one of those nightmare filled nights. Can anyone offer a suggestion on coping and pulling out of these tailspins quicker? Thanks.
Hi Friend,

Welcome to the discussion board. I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for here. Take your time here in getting acquainted with how the place works and the members that inhabit it. They're all a great bunch of guys. Very caring and supportive.

I know that at the beginning of all this for me, I too spent many sleepless nights. It took me 6 months to "wise up" to the fact that I needed professional intervention. I got put on an antidepressant and a sleeping medication. The difference was dramatic. I used them for about 6 months and gradually was able to wean myself off of them under the guideance of the professionals.

Looking back on that experience I now know that it was a very courageous thing I did in finally seeking help. I could never have made it through on my own. The only regret I have now, is that I waited all that time after going into crisis to seek that help.

Lots of love,

There are no quick fixes or magical elixirs. Sharing here helps. Seeing a therapist is very important. Peace, Andrew
Looking back over the years, I believe that once I disclosed, each bad episode I have becomes easier to cope with.

I've had a couple of bad days recently (trying to be ultra pleasant & remembering that it was this time of year I had a major breakdown).

Do good things for yourself. Watch a favourite film that makes you feel good. Eat something that you like. Go for a walk. I find that just sitting and stewing in my thoughts is the worst thing that I can do.

Best wishes...Rik
In the middle of the night when the terrors strike we feel so alone, even if a loved one is lying alongside us we still feel as though we're the only person in the world who feels as bad as we do.

Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone, we are here with you 24/7.
I know it's a sad feeling that there are others out here just like you, abused and frightened, but that fact wont go away. Neither will the fact that we understand what you feel.

Sharing the crap with us will help, that much I'm certain of. So next time the night terrors come - get up and hit your keyboard. Someone here will reply and support you as soon as they can.
Try the chat room as well, I believe it's very busy in the late hours, although it's something I don't use because of the time difference.

Read, learn, and post whatever you feel. The guys here are the best.


This probably wont go down well with some of the members here but I too suffered from very bad nightmares.

I had a very understanding Doctor and some connected friends. I am also a bit of a psychologist and can research things that interest me.

If your suffering as a result of your dreams try marijuana. It affects your short term memory and thus can cancel out your dreams.

The science behind it is that dreams are held in S.T.M. between sleeping and wakefulness. If you have any amount of cannabis in your system and you have a bad dream, there is an increased chance you wont remember it. Which amounts to the desired affect, no nightmares.

Like I said, this worked for me during my darkest days. It may or may not work for you.

I also said some may not like what I say, Im not telling you WHAT TO DO Im just suggesting what helped me MAY also help you.

Sorry to hear about you getting nightmares, I now how bad it can be. I've had nightmares since I was a little kid and will still get them almost every night now, but keep them under control and out of sight by using marijuana since I was a teenager (43 now). Most places using that stuff is illegal but I moved to The Netherlands because I can use marijuana here without breaking any law. I would like to know a way to stop using marijuana but not getting the bad dreams back. When I stop using for some time I always immediately get full force very disturbed nightmares again. Then I'm inclined to drink heavily. The only suggestion I got about medical treatment for nightmare has been more medication, with a warning that because the available pills work differently for different people, you might have to try several things before you get some pills that works for you, if anything works at all. I don't want to take more pills! And I don't want nightmares, so I stay stuck on smoking the weed, i think I'm an addict. But at least i know its a self-medication that works. One psychiatrist who saw me for a few years told me I shouldn't be so worried I cannot stop right now, because stopping would be be a enormous change and I have nothing yet to fill the gap. IF I had someone to talk to about my nightmares that would be different perhaps, perhaps I could cope better. Good luck in your search for relief.