Lil problems!
Hi guys, not having such as good day. Got alot of issues buzzing around my head, and feel i need to let them out.
(1) I have a 2000 word Essay due in 2day, so i started it last night, Am i any the wiser, NO, Did it just wase my time, YES. Can i even write essays, have I ever written one before NO, Do i even find the subject intersting NO! Why am i doing it then, Cause the univerity is SHIT, and they have FORCED me to take subjects i dont like and frankly find very boaring! But do they care NO. They will carry on employeeing Shit Forgin lectures from the planet Zog to teach, And they wonder why everyone is failing!
(2) I know its not a big issue, but some common poileness wouldnt go a miss, a simple fone call would have been it would take, but no, no fone call, no email nuffin, So I leave this morning only to get to work and find it locked, the Skool that was ment to be coming down had cancelled and NO one had the decentcy to call me and let me know!! ARR!!
(3) Ok guys this one a little bit more harder. At work the other day (I am a Studen Amassador for my Univerity, mean we do PR, and talks wiv skools about HE). Anyway after the day had finished some of the boys on my table wanted my number, this usealy happends, so i gave it out, not ever ecaping to hear from or see any of them ever again. But Low on behold That evening I get a call from one of the boys (Aged 14). He basicly was just saying thanks for a good day, and asking some questions so that he could fill in his homework sheet about the uni. Which is fair enought. He then asks me a question on how to get this girl he like to talk to him. But then he fones the next day and the next day. Last night we talked for about 3 half hrs. And he tells me that he dosent have any friends, and that I am his Best Friend in the whole world. I answered his questions the best i could. But this whole converstaion took me back a bit. I think he deveopled some kind of attment to me. I know what its like growing up in London. and feeling like you dont have any real friends that you can talk to about things with. Go out with, Single parent families, Low income, No money. Feeling that you dont fit into any of the main groups that other kids your age do, that you cant go out and play cause you got no money. Belive it or not i know where this kid is coming from, but I'm not totaly sure where its going. Is this going to become a "About a Boy" type deal? He is a good kid, very confused about where he fits into the world. He's overiusly feels he can talk openly with me about subjects that he can't talk with him partents about. (Eg. Sex & Girls). Yet I know feel my self being resonserbil for him. Taking him under my wing if you will. But I'm not sure what i can offer him? I think at the minuit I am more confused then he is.
(1) I have a 2000 word Essay due in 2day, so i started it last night, Am i any the wiser, NO, Did it just wase my time, YES. Can i even write essays, have I ever written one before NO, Do i even find the subject intersting NO! Why am i doing it then, Cause the univerity is SHIT, and they have FORCED me to take subjects i dont like and frankly find very boaring! But do they care NO. They will carry on employeeing Shit Forgin lectures from the planet Zog to teach, And they wonder why everyone is failing!
(2) I know its not a big issue, but some common poileness wouldnt go a miss, a simple fone call would have been it would take, but no, no fone call, no email nuffin, So I leave this morning only to get to work and find it locked, the Skool that was ment to be coming down had cancelled and NO one had the decentcy to call me and let me know!! ARR!!
(3) Ok guys this one a little bit more harder. At work the other day (I am a Studen Amassador for my Univerity, mean we do PR, and talks wiv skools about HE). Anyway after the day had finished some of the boys on my table wanted my number, this usealy happends, so i gave it out, not ever ecaping to hear from or see any of them ever again. But Low on behold That evening I get a call from one of the boys (Aged 14). He basicly was just saying thanks for a good day, and asking some questions so that he could fill in his homework sheet about the uni. Which is fair enought. He then asks me a question on how to get this girl he like to talk to him. But then he fones the next day and the next day. Last night we talked for about 3 half hrs. And he tells me that he dosent have any friends, and that I am his Best Friend in the whole world. I answered his questions the best i could. But this whole converstaion took me back a bit. I think he deveopled some kind of attment to me. I know what its like growing up in London. and feeling like you dont have any real friends that you can talk to about things with. Go out with, Single parent families, Low income, No money. Feeling that you dont fit into any of the main groups that other kids your age do, that you cant go out and play cause you got no money. Belive it or not i know where this kid is coming from, but I'm not totaly sure where its going. Is this going to become a "About a Boy" type deal? He is a good kid, very confused about where he fits into the world. He's overiusly feels he can talk openly with me about subjects that he can't talk with him partents about. (Eg. Sex & Girls). Yet I know feel my self being resonserbil for him. Taking him under my wing if you will. But I'm not sure what i can offer him? I think at the minuit I am more confused then he is.