letter from mother

letter from mother


hello men:

today i received a letter from my mother. i am afraid to open it. i do not know what it will say.

she emotionally incested me for the first 30+yrs of my life and i believe it would continue today if i allowed it.

the wounds i struggle with are the same as one whose incest was physical according to what i have read about incest, emotional and physical. so far i have no memories of any physical incest taking place.

i have not spoken to her in 2yrs i believe. the point came when i no longer felt safe talking to her. i do not trust her. i may not read the letter. i am surrendering it to my God.

i am sorry to say that a part of me actually misses her. my God, she hurt us so deeply. i believe she is mentally ill and in denial. she has never taken responsibility for what she has done. this is why i do not trust her and do not feel safe communicating with her.

i do not know what i will do men. i will do my best to meet my needs, take care of myself in my best way. that is a good idea. and, i will surrender it all to my God. that is all men. let's all take good care of ourselves. sincerely,

I have nothing to add, Bec. Just want you to know I feel for you and I care. You must do what you feel is right. ANd I think you are.

Trust in yourself and God. Everything will work out.

Peace and love, bro.

Scot :)
that's the "rock and a hard place" scenario all right, but whatever you do will be right at that moment.

Be strong Bec

Hello bec,

Tough dilemma that has been placed upon you. I feel for you.

A possible solution is to have somebody that you trust read the letter and give you the abbreviated Cliff Note version. From there you can decide if you want to read it, return it torn up, or ask for more information before deciding what to do.

Just an idea, take it for what its worth.

Whatever you decide, take care of yourself.

I think that you are very wise to not trust her. Are you in with a therapist? Perhaps if you are, you could take it to a therapy appointment and read it there, if you feel safe to do that.

If not, maybe you should not read it. You could return it to her unopened, if you wish to make a final like statement. Or, keep it present, somewhere safe, and read it only when you feel like you WANT and CAN read it. Keep yourself safe, that is most important thing.

I wish you well,