Ken how is it going so far. Should we contact companies for their support and stuff like that?
I wouldn't recommend folks start contacting corporations on their own. There is a science and art to fundraising. We have several board members with considerable fundraising experience. I believe Chuck Spence is the committee chair for raising money.

If you or any other members are interested in helping out, I suggest you contact Chuck through the website and offer your help.

Will mail donation. Perhaps some day will be in better position to assist.

I want to send $ but need to know how can Canadian supporters send $ ? Are we supposed to mail a cheque to the Canadian office? Do we send in Canadian or U.S. (will determine if we need to send a bank order or a personal cheque)?. Please advise.

PAS (partner of SA survivor)
Dear Mikey,

As Ken says, corporations should be approached by an official fundraiser. If anyone would like to assist Chuck Spence in fundraising, please contact him. Or, if you work for a corporation that is likely to be helpful, please let him know.

We have at times asked corporations for donations, but for the most part this has not yielded results. Nor have grant applicatons been successful thus far.

Canadian donations can be made out either in Canadian or US dollars, though it is probably easier on this end if it is in US currency.

Richard Gartner
Well the 'thermometer' on the home page is now reading $5,000 - which, if my sums are right, is a third of the way there.

That's the sort of response that shows we are serious about keeping Male Survivor alive.

Dave :D
Hi. I know its bin a long time since i've posted but i just thought i'd swing by and see what bin going on.
I've bin woking really hard in therapy and its really starting to pay off.
Sorry about not showing my face around here lately but coming here is, to me, some what depressing because its like nerve evoking and pain/guilt inducing because i re-live the sh*t by contantly read and thionk about it causing me to obsess over past memories.
this gets me low and i have trouble fighting it.----sorry if that was over redundent.

Anyway I hope evey one is well and doing OK.

The reason i posted is that i'm in a position to help finacialy but i was wondering if I made a donation could that be applied to a membership as well; or vice versa,--if i paid for a membership would the proceeds contribute to the MALESURVIVOR web site?

I'll try to update yu guys on what i've been up to and my future plans, i'm getting ready to move in December.

well, take care of yur selfs,yur worth it!
It's so good to hear from someone who's passed through MS and gained something from it, I do hope your recovery continues, I'm sure it will.

Your donation in any form will be welcome,and I don't think it makes much difference as to which way you do it, although there will be less administration costs by making a donation I would think.

I'd like to hear an update, too, if possible.

The Office of Personnel Management coordinates a single charity "pledge drive" period for US of A federal goverment employees. To qualify in the Combined Federal Campaign a charity organization must complete an OPM application early in the calendar year. (The employees are deciding right now whether to give in 2004 and to whom.)

The application process which selected the charities in the current catalog is described on the OPM web site . The schedule for the 2004 pledge cycle, for donations during calendar year 2005, is also online here . OPM will begin accepting applications to receive CY2005 donations in a few weeks, and their application deadline is February 2, 2004. I did not see the new application forms online, but they have an email address, [email protected], for questions.

Legalese from the web site states
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is open to all charitable organizations recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under Title 26, United States Code, Section 501(c)(3). Applicant organizations must meet the eligibility and public accountability standards detailed in the United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5, Chapter 950.
It may be down the road a bit, but I believe we'll get to 2005 and will still be willing to accept donations. :) I was once a government employee and I volunteered to coordinate the program several times, once for an entire division. I have seen a lot of generosity on the part of employees who chose to make donations through this program. I think we should get MaleSurvivor in line for some of those donations.


I mailed out donation few days ago. I am sorry I can not give more, can not give what this site gives to me.

Thanks to all who have contributed. No amount is too small!

Logan, certainly you should join us -- the dues money wouldn't be counted in the drive funds but it would still go into our coffers, and we'd rather have you as a member.

Outis -- does a governement employe have to register us? or can anyone put us down?

I joined. That's the only way I can support right now, altho I will send more cash when I can.

I sounded unreasonable earlier. This site saved my life. Time for me to "pay it forward."

Peace, love, and loads of cash for the new year, brothers. We cannot let this site down!

Scot :D

It does not have to be a government employee. Since the application form was not online when I last checked, I can't be certain who it should be. The application from last year is online, and it requires a contact person and a certifying individual, each from the applying organization. They require things like a copy of the most recent "IRS determination letter" (I know the IRS is determined! :) ), and IRS forms with signatures of the appropriate officer(s), not just of the preparer. The IRS forms are required for the application even if the IRS does not require them for a particular organization. Accounting! It's beyond my simple appreciation of math.

The schedule says they'll begin accepting applications Dec 1 for the catalog they'll distribute to employees in October 2004. Last year's application document is marked "Rev Dec 2002" so it may be that they won't release the new application until December.

I'm local to DC so I'll do some calling around and pass the information back to you.


yes, we're short of some readies, the full story is on the home page somewhere.

But look at this - $8,000 already. WOW !

Dave :D