Leadership Team Request: Social Diversity at MS

Leadership Team Request: Social Diversity at MS


The leadership team would like to ask how we may improve the services offered by MS in order to better serve people of various ethnic and social diversity. Anyone who is willing to identify themselves here on the public forum, please do so and include any suggestions which you may have. Anyone who would prefer not to divulge that information, but would like to add suggestions, please contact myself, other members of the Leadership Team, or a representative of MS, by PM or email with any suggestions which you may have. We would like to move these discussions forward in order to reach more people in need and better serve the people who are already here.
Thank you
what sort of info would be useful?

How about
sex, age, race, sexuality preference, married, children, religion, occupation.

and would information on
in therapy, how long for, in a group, how long for,
when abused, age when disclosed, age started recovery

Is this the sort of thing you need?

I think we could also do it with the Poll facility which would ensure anonimity.
Any and all information is helpfull. Right now, I believe that we are most interested in ideas for expanding on how MS may be of more help in addressing the specific needs of various cultural groups. We already know that we need to expand by making information easier to understand by translating and making things available in other languages. We would also like to know specific issues which various groups have encountered as far as their recovery and how we may be able to expand to be able to help others have fewer barriers in their recovery in the future.
I guess I am uncertain what is being asked. Demographics, like the census? Or just ideas of how else to help? I agree that having articles and such in other languages could be good. Also, something I have gone through twice, a directory maybe of foreign language speaking therapists? Although when I have asked of that, Ken Singer, Mike Church and Thad from chat have all been quite helpful. Also, possibly, articles related to how abuse/therapy and such is viewed in other cultures. It is not all so open as it is in America. And I know that those in America probably feel it is not so open at all!
